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To keep up with projected growth in some parts of the county and prevent the overcrowding of schools, we’re opening three new schools:

Other parts of the proposal are aimed at relieving some overcrowded schools, increasing the base attendance areas at under-utilized schools, and improving transportation efficiency. 

Some students affected by this proposal will be able to submit a stability transfer and remain at their current school. Review the stability rules.

Enter your address to see if you're proposed to have a new school assignment in 2022-23.

Find the thread below that applies to you and share any questions and feedback. Staff and board members review questions and feedback as they prepare for the second draft of the proposal, which is scheduled to be presented to the board on Nov. 16. View timeline.

Under this proposal, some students currently assigned to Vance Elementary School would be assigned to Rand Road Elementary School. See if you are proposed to be affected
Some students affected by this proposal would be eligible to stay at their current school under our stability rules
Please share your feedback about this proposal below.

2 Responses

Christy Bruce over 2 years ago

Our rising 2nd grader wants to stay at Vance Elementary, because he has adjusted very well there which was a hard feat after the start of the pandemic laiden school year. He has friends there, whom he wants to keep and stay friends with. We are apparently on the wrong side of Rock Service Station Rd, because someone has decided to split it down the middle and let the newer subdivisions stay at Vance while those of us on the other side get shipped to another school farther away. This seems unfair and I know that overcrowding is becoming an issue, but please do not penalize families who have been near Vance for all these years due to the overcrowding of newly built subdivisions and a highway bypass that we didn't ask for. Let this be a case-by-case situation and please consider how this will actually affect the children. This is seemingly only about districts, and where someone in a special position has drawn a line on a map. Ask actual families how they feel about changing their base school before you do this, please.

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Nicole Martin over 2 years ago

Our rising second grader wants to remain at Vance as well. I agree with everything that Christy Bruce stated. My child had a very difficult time with virtual learning and has just now started to adjust and thrive in school. We have lived 2 miles from Vance for the past 20 years and both of my older sons spent all 6 of their elementary years there. We love the teachers, staff, students and the moral of the school. It is absurd to ask me to now send my child to a school further away and have him again adjust to a brand new situation much like remote learning had to be adjusted too. You are also creating more difficulties with transportation for those of us who have relatives pick our children up from school. They will now also have to drive farther to pick them up. I ask that you truly realize how detrimental this will be for most families and we should be given the choice of keeping our children at Vance or not. If the school is that overcrowded, then you should cap how many new students are allowed to enroll and not force those of us who have no interest in changing schools, to do so.

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