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To keep up with projected growth in some parts of the county and prevent the overcrowding of schools, we’re opening three new schools:

Other parts of the proposal are aimed at relieving some overcrowded schools, increasing the base attendance areas at under-utilized schools, and improving transportation efficiency. 

Some students affected by this proposal will be able to submit a stability transfer and remain at their current school. Review the stability rules.

Enter your address to see if you're proposed to have a new school assignment in 2022-23.

Find the thread below that applies to you and share any questions and feedback. Staff and board members review questions and feedback as they prepare for the second draft of the proposal, which is scheduled to be presented to the board on Nov. 16. View timeline.

On Nov. 16, 2021, staff members presented the second draft of the 2022-23 Student Enrollment Proposal to the Board of Education. See if you are proposed to be affected by Draft 2 changes.

Barton Pond Elementary

  • Proposing Brier Creek Elementary as a year-round application school for Barton Pond Elementary
  • Proposing that all of Hawthorne neighborhood be assigned to Barton Pond Elementary
  • Proposing that all of Bartons Creek Bluff neighborhood be assigned to Barton Pond Elementary

Leesville Road Elementary

  • Proposing reassigning some parts from Pleasant Grove Elementary base to Leesville Road Elementary (no students affected)

Leesville Road Middle (Umstead Park Area)

  • Proposing reassigning some parts from Oberlin Road Middle base to Leesville Road Middle

Leesville Road High (Umstead Park Area)

  • Proposing reassigning some parts from Broughton High base to Leesville Road High

Calendar Area Application Changes - Durant Road Elementary

  • Proposing Wakefield Elementary as an additional calendar application area for Durant Road Elementary
12 Responses

Melissa Barr over 2 years ago

While it is nice to see that proposal two includes a year round option for Barton Pond families, I ask that you please allow the families in Hawthorne to use Pleasant Union Elementary as their Year Round option school. My understanding is that Pleasant Union is not at capacity, is half the distance from home as Brier Creek Elementary, and does not require highway travel.

Second, I noticed that Hawthorne is still districted to Millbrook High School in this proposal even after we submitted a petition to be kept at Leesville High School. Instead, more students from Broughton are expected to fill Leesville. I ask the Board again to reconsider and move any Broughton students to the underutilized Sanderson High and allow the Hawthorne neighborhood to stay at Leesville for all the reasons outlined in our letter to the Board accompanied with our petition.

4 Votes
Heather Godwin over 2 years ago

The updated change to the Abbotts creek reassignement in Proposal 2 is not acceptable. This reassignement plan needs to be stopped for a year to create a better long-term plan that doesn't include moving the closest neighborhood from Abbots Creek ES. This is a bandaid fix that only disrupts these elementary schoolers and takes them away from their neighborhood friends. This is an important consideration, especially as we come out of a pandemic where we have already asked so much of these young children. They deserve for us to give them the best long-term plan, not jsut shift them around every 3 years. Thank you!!!

0 Votes
Karen Warren over 2 years ago

The reassignment plan needs to be postponed until a more reasonable long term plan can be made. Children need the support of their community to be successful in school and life in general. Neighborhood schools give this support allowing children to form long term relationships and a sense of a place in the world.

1 Vote
Amanda Culp over 2 years ago

I am extremely disheartened to see that the Hawthorne community is still proposed to be moved from Leesville Road High to Millbrook. In the draft 1 proposal it is clear that this particular move has garnished the most attention. Every single post is a tribute to all four pillars being negatively impacted for our students. I strongly encourage all affected families to attend the November 30 meeting to continue to oppose this reassignment.

3 Votes
Kim Truesdale over 2 years ago

I'd like to add my voice to those who live in the Hawthorne Neighborhood. I disagree with this decision to change our base from Leesville Road HS to Millbrook HS. I'd ask those in charge of making decisions to strongly consider the strain that the commute will put on students and families. Please keep Hawthorne residents/students going to Leesville HS with their neighboring neighborhoods. I understand that Wake County is growing rapidly, but community and stability are very important and impact the pillars you're striving for.

2 Votes
Cecilia Neeb over 2 years ago

This proposal is very inconsiderate, especially after the year and a half all children have gone through. Kids are going back to their schools, reconnecting with their friends, teachers and their whole community, and for us, (we have a son at Joyner 5th grade who would be going next year to Oberlin, and a daughter at Broughton in 9th) this is a change we totally disagree with. Besides the fact that this solution only addresses the problems that WCPSS is encountering. It seems that at no point in time the issues families will endure are taken into account. We moved from Venezuela 4 years ago. Our whole family had to start from scratch and while it's not impossible to accomplish it is very upsetting for those that go through it. We started a whole new life with our kids here in Raleigh, we have met, in recent years, really great families at the schools our kids are at now. We even moved to a zone that included Oberlin and Broughton as its home base schools. We moved to this house just 2 years ago, we felt very fortunate to have found a house that was assigned to both schools, and now we might lose all we have worked towards and have to start from scratch again. Frankly this is exhausting and it doesn't make any sense. We totally understand the reason Wake County needs to make adjustments in the zones, but we believe the way to do this effectively and without negatively impacting families and students is gradual and should only affect new students in the zones that require adjustments under the new proposal in this draft. Please consider all of our opinions because it is really important to maintain continuity and that all the hard work went through to create roots and traditions is not erased overnight. Please don't make decisions that would disrupt and completely upend families' lives and impact enormously our kids' emotional health.

0 Votes
Christine Murray over 2 years ago

I have lived in Hawthorne subdivision since 1993. My oldest was in the first graduating class of 1995. My second child was in the first 4 yr class graduating in 1997. My third graduated in 1997. My fourth child was in class of 2007. We have contributed to Leesville High. We all have pride being part of Leesville. You tried to move in late 1990s but the board listened to our pleas & let us stay. We are a small neighborhood sandwiched in between subdivisions that are not involved or their subdivisions are not as close as we are physically to LRdHS. Please rethink your reasons & let us stay . We should be not asked to move to let others take our places. Our children in Hawthorne want to be part of the Leesville Pride. Proximity is so important for our teens driving. Leesville Rd is safer then sending our teens out on 540 in rush hour traffic. I hope you will allow Hawthorne children to stay. Thank you

2 Votes
Christine Murray over 2 years ago

My third child graduated in 1999 & was on the basketball team. We have so much pride!

0 Votes
Christine Murray over 2 years ago

My third child graduated in 1999 & was on the basketball team. We have so much pride!

0 Votes
Christine Murray over 2 years ago

My third child graduated in 1999 & was on the basketball team. We have so much pride!

0 Votes
Christopher Fiander over 2 years ago

Our family is included in the numbers of Hawthorne families that are against the current proposal that moves Hawthorne students to Millbrook from LRHS. The rationale appears to be the same as when draft 1 was released. Our neighborhood has provided ample information that challenges the assumptions leading to this decision and we cannot understand why the 4 pillars are being used to justify this change when the change does not have a positive impact on the 4 pillars for our teens, both current and years to come. We reiterate that this proposal will negatively impact safety and stability for a small number of teens. Our small neighborhood will have only a fractional impact on decreasing the population density at LRHS, but this will have a much more significant impact to our students and their families.

1 Vote
Kathryn Banks over 2 years ago

I would really urge the board to look at Hawthorne Subdivision and PLEASE reconsider moving our neighborhood from Leesville to Millbrook. We were moved to W Millbrook years ago back when WCPSS used nodes. Our neighborhood is in the smallest node and has been moved repeatedly based on our size. The neighborhood directly behind us including Sunnystone Way and immediately across Norwood (Wood Valley) have ALWAYS been excluded from our moves. I would really like see our SMALL area of this proposal be left at Leesville. Our kids participate in school and recreational activities with families in both of these neighborhoods and by moving our small neighborhood our kids will be losing these connections. And as parents we will be losing a network of other families that our kids have grown up with and utilize regularly as childcare/carpool help. My child attended Sycamore Creek for ES and we only picked West Millbrook over Pine Hollow as it was on traditional calendar. We have 2 older kids in college so it was the best option for us. We DID NOT pick it thinking our child would ever attend Millbrook, as our 2 oldest graduated from Leesville . So to say that the board made this decision to help keep the magnet families together is not a reason for us. We want proximity and neighborhood support NOT magnet. If we wanted to continue in IB we could apply there. Also by shifting all these kids the board is eliminating any open seats for magnet choice students as this will put it over capicity. In fact I would propose the board look at putting our neighborhood at Leesville Middle School (which is under capacity) and then these kids will naturally transition to the HS.

1 Vote