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To keep up with projected growth in some parts of the county and prevent the overcrowding of schools, we’re opening three new schools:

Other parts of the proposal are aimed at relieving some overcrowded schools, increasing the base attendance areas at under-utilized schools, and improving transportation efficiency. 

Some students affected by this proposal will be able to submit a stability transfer and remain at their current school. Review the stability rules.

Enter your address to see if you're proposed to have a new school assignment in 2022-23.

Find the thread below that applies to you and share any questions and feedback. Staff and board members review questions and feedback as they prepare for the second draft of the proposal, which is scheduled to be presented to the board on Nov. 16. View timeline.

This new 6-8 middle school will open in July 2022 at 2255 Herbert Akins Road, Fuquay-Varina as a year-round calendar school. See if you are proposed to attend the new school. Please share your feedback about this proposal below.
39 Responses

AD butner almost 3 years ago

I do not see a thread for the students who would currently be assigned to Herbert Akins middle but are asked to transition to a school in Holly Springs as a result of the proposal. I drive by two other middle schools in this proposed change. One is Fuquay Varina Middle school which is walking distance. My child is currently at Herbert Akins Elementary school. Transitioning to Holly Springs Elementary doubles the time investment there and back 2x a day. I made very deliberate home and career choices to support my family but I had no way to account for this shift, and I do not see an application or sub-thread for this use case. When will the applications be visible so that I can determine my eligibility for a transfer/stability application?

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi AD, Staff will reach out to you for clarification on your question. We do not have any proposal for reassignment into Holly Springs Elementary.

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stefanie mendler almost 3 years ago

I am also in downtown fuquay, along with many other families with kids at the elementary school and would pass two other middle schools in order to get to Holly springs, only to go back to the herbert akins campus. This makes no sense considering families in holly springs are zoned to the new middles school and downtown fuquay isn't? The proposal is intended to largely redistribute to closer schools and this puts us twice as far away. This is not thought out well enough.

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Stefanie, Staff will reach out to you for clarification on your question.

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Natalie Goodman almost 3 years ago

I am pleased to see all of the growth that WCPSS is doing in southern wake county, especially when it comes to building new schools. I did watch the board meeting this evening and saw the proposed new assignments for Herbert Akins Middle School, and I was disappointed to see that our neighborhood was not included in the change.

Per the map, the areas east, south, and west of us are included, but our little neighborhood was left out for some reason. I am asking for reconsideration, as HAMS would make more sense for the following reasons:

  • Our neighborhood is in Fuquay. We pay taxes to the town of Fuquay. Shouldn't we be at a Fuquay school?
  • Our children participate and pay for town activities/sports through the town of Fuquay
  • Traffic and transportation would be much easier as opposed to fighting northbound traffic like we are already slated to do
  • We are currently zoned to a Garner middle school, which makes zero sense
  • The surrounding neighborhoods to us are all included - why are we being excluded?

Our current base middle school is North Garner Middle, which makes no sense to me living in Fuquay. If we wanted to go to school in Garner, we would live in Garner. If I wanted my kids to go to a school just a few miles from downtown, I'd live closer to downtown. But we picked the suburbs to have a slower pace, less traffic, and be a little removed from the city.

I am begging you to please reconsider and add our neighborhood into the mix. Our current high school base is Middle Creek, so at least HAMS would keep us in the same vicinity. Putting us in Garner for middle, and then Apex for high school just makes no sense, especially when HAMS will have so much room. I just don't understand why our neighborhood continues to be cut out intentionally when it comes to reassignment. This happened a few years ago when we were moved from Banks to Smith, and it's happening again. I understand the need, but why is there literally an indentation in the map where our neighborhood continues to be left out? We are at ten ten and 401, where you can very clearly see the dip in the map.

Please. Please reconsider incorporating this small area to move to HAMS.

Attachments: Capture.PNG
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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Natalie, Staff will review this feedback.

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Natalie Goodman almost 3 years ago

Additionally, the school we are currently zoned to for elementary (Smith) is a traditional calendar, while our current base Middle School is track four YR. Reassigning us to a Fuquay school at HAMS, which I believe will be a traditional calendar as well, makes MUCH more sense logistically.

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Natalie, Families with a year-round base school have the ability to apply for their traditional calendar option school during the request for transfer period from Feb. 25 until March 11.

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Natalie Goodman almost 3 years ago

Appreciate that feedback. However, I've heard it's extremely difficult to be approved for a transfer from YR to Traditional, or traditional to YR. We attempted this a few years ago when trying to switch from traditional to YR, and were rejected all the way through the appeals process.

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Hazel Araya almost 3 years ago

Hi I’m not agree about this plan, if you need to do a new school is fine, but you don’t need to move the students that are happy right now. My daughter did the whole school is holly grove and now is in holly grove middle, her friends are there and we are so happy with this school. Now you want to move her to Herbert Akins or she can stay in holly grove if I transfer her without transportation. We are not rich people that have to whole day for drive and pick up her to the school, we need the transportation. Why you don’t put the new people in the new school, I know people that just have 3 months in USA and they are in holly grove now, and my daughter that has like z6 years around the school need to move. iT IS NOT FAIR. Don’t move them

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Hazel, You may submit a hardship transfer request in order to return to your school. Unfortunately, if approved, you will not receive district transportation.

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Summer Wheeler almost 3 years ago

Currently my neighborhoods base school is Lincoln Heights with our calendar option being Herbert Akins Elementary. I don't understand why Herbert Akins Middle School would not be our base school or at least a calendar option. Once Fuquay Middle moves to its new location Herbert Akins Middle would be the closest middle school to us.i don't understand why Holly Grove would be our calendar option.

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Summer, staff will continue to review this particular area for when a new elementary school is built in the area.

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Summer Wheeler almost 3 years ago

What? I'm confused by this answer. Elementary schools are fine with what they are. I'm concerned about the middle schools. I'm curious why Holly Grove would be our calendar option when Herbert Akins Middle is closer.

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Kristin Martin almost 3 years ago

Please reconsider the proposal and assign Herbert Akins Middle School as the base middle school for the Wildwood neighborhood in Holly Springs. We are currently assigned to HARES and Fuquay High School. Having our middle school on a separate campus, Holly Grove, doesn't make sense. We should either have both elementary and middle school with Herbert Akins, or both with Holly Grove. Not only to keep the same central location, but as it stands now, we'll be tearing our kids away from friends each time they move up. Fuquay to Holly Springs, then back to Fuquay. Please consider keeping those assigned to HARES also assigned to HAMS!

6 Votes
Janelle DiMichele almost 3 years ago

My 6th grader went to Herbert akins since he was 4.5 and now my 7 year old goes there. Because my youngest was in prek and cck through Wcpss, they’ve only been on the same campus one year. I’ve driven my kids in opposite directions and spent countless hours in carpools because of this. My oldest WANTS to go to Herbert akins middle. A majority of his friends will be there as he has gone to Herbert akins elementary his whole academic career until now. As Kristin stated above, the kids in Wildwood will be forced to lose friends every time they transition to their next school because you’re taking us from Fuquay to holly springs and then back to Fuquay again. It makes no sense at all. Why bring kids from a school that is 7 or 8 miles away (banks) to HA middle school and not the kids from 3 miles down the road? If youre going to have us at holly grove, then we should be at elementary, middle AND high school— not back and forth from one town to the next. I know there are a lot of moving parts, but consider the kids and families and keeping some sort of consistency.

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Janelle, take a look at our reply to Alicia Scott below.

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Kirstin Marshall almost 3 years ago

Could you please clarify how your response to Alicia Scott addresses Janelle's comments? Currently, our neighborhood, Wildwood, is zoned for HARES Elementary School and Fuquay High School (that was a change starting this year). Not sending us to Herbert Akins MS but changing us to Fuquay High School beginning this year is not in line with the vague statement I am seeing as an answer.

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Stephanie Huhn almost 3 years ago

I am actually very happy with the current proposed enrollment. My children attend HARES and I’m happy that they can attend HARMS as it is only a mile from my home compared to nearly 4 that FVMS would be. As the enrollment map changes over the next few months please keep Saddle Run/ Westminster Lane on the HARMS list. Thank you. ❤️

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Alicia Scott almost 3 years ago

With our current school bus driver shortage, it makes no sense why you want kids in Fuquay to pass other schools to attend school in Holly Springs. My kids don't get off the bus now close to 5pm everyday. What would it been then??? The closer school should be the obvious choice! Also, when you have elementary and middle schools in close proximity, it would be a wise to keep siblings together on the same campus. Please consider these ideas for the next draft and keep our kids that are assigned to Herbert Akins Elementary going to Herbert Akins Middle!

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Alicia, we did not propose moving students south and west of 55 at this time because of the potential impact of the new elementary in Holly Springs in this area.

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Alicia Scott almost 3 years ago

Can you please clarify your comment?

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Jillian Cochran almost 3 years ago

If this is the case could you please explain why kids south and west of 55 are at Fuquay Varina High school and not Holly Springs high school? Are you saying that the new elementary school will potentially impact this area by taking us away from Herbert Akins Elementary?

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Alicia and Jillian - someone from the office of student assignment will contact you to discuss further.

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Jillian Cochran almost 3 years ago

Please reconsider the enrollment proposal to keep Wildwood neighborhood children at Holly Grove Middle School and allow them to go to Herbert Akins Middle. As a neighborhood whose children have attended Herbert Akins Elementary since the neighborhood was built they have created a foundation of friendships, school spirit, and comfort going to that campus. My oldest has been at HARES from K to 4th grade and will lose friendships that have given him a source of comfort and confidence over the years. Moving him to Holly Grove then back to Fuquay for high school will put him in a with a largely new group of kids each time he starts at a new school due to the current school assignments for our neighborhood (Herbert Akins Elementary, Holly Grove Middle, and Fuquay High school). As someone who grew up in this county I love the comfort and familiarity a year round track calendar gives me and my children. Seeing the same kids and parents throughout the years builds great school relationships. A lot of the children in the upper grades at Herbert Akins Elementary have watched the new middle school being built for the past few years and are excited thinking they will attend that school. Why would be take that away from them?

In addition, it is a hardship to the caregivers of these children to be heading in multiple directions every morning and afternoon. Families with several children and/or large age gaps between kids end up driving back and forth with an assigned elementary school in Fuquay, middle school in Holly Springs, and back to Fuquay for the oldest kids in high school. This hardship on families may limit children in what parents can allow them to be involved in. For instance, picking up children from after school activities with kids at multiple school campuses in opposite direction or participating in certain school events and end of the year celebrations. Also, if families need to arrive late due to appointments or early dismiss kids they will be driving back and forth across both towns to pick up their kids. This will be very time consuming and would be much easier if all kids in a household could be in closer proximity schools.

Please consider consistency for these children and their parents. Either all Fuquay schools from elementary to high school or put us back in all Holly Springs schools. Thank you for accepting feedback.

4 Votes
Leigh Ann D almost 3 years ago

We live in the Village of Sippihaw neighborhood, our house is exactly 1.2 miles from Fuquay Middle School. We got rezoned for Herbert Aikens MS, which is year round. We’ve been doing traditional since we moved here and would prefer traditional schedule. Our application traditional school is now Holly Ridge MS in Holly Springs which makes absolutely no sense. My kids could walk to FVMS right now but you guys are going to rezone us for another school that would take double the time for my kids to get there in the mornings when we live so close to FVMS? Please consider keeping the kids at FVMS that live within a few mile radius at that school. I could totally understand if we were even somewhere in the middle between the two schools but for us to live so close to FVMS and now being sent to Holly Springs for a traditional schedule just doesn’t make sense. Please look at how you guys are doing the rezoning for the neighborhoods that are close by FVMS.

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Leigh Ann, there are plans to move FVMS to a new site in the south for 2024.

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Ashley DeBruin almost 3 years ago

Please reconsider the proposal for the Wildwood Neighborhood to have Herbert Akins Middle as our base school. The current proposal has HARES as our base elementary. It would be an unfair burden to working parents to separate campuses for siblings. This would result in having to drive in two separate directions in order to do drop-off and pick-up each day. In addition, this would result in breaking friendships and social connections at a particularly difficult transition from elementary to middle school. Lastly this has our kids switching school cities back and forth at each school inflection point. We are currently assigned to HARES and Fuquay High School. Having our middle school on a separate campus, Holly Grove, doesn't make sense. We should either have both elementary and middle school with Herbert Akins, or both with Holly Grove.

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Kimberly Alicie almost 3 years ago

Spring field neighborhood is not proposed for HAMS even though we attend HARES. We'll then have one child at HARES and one at holly Grove in 2 different directions. Because of competitive sports 4 days a week requiring carpool. This makes that impossible. There are currently only 4 going on 5 students in our neighborhood.

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Kirstin Marshall almost 3 years ago

Please reconsider the proposal and assign Herbert Akins Middle School as the base middle school for the Wildwood neighborhood in Holly Springs. We are currently assigned to HARES and Fuquay High School (this was a change for our neighborhood beginning this year and it made sense at the time with the previous draft showing us going to HARMS). Having our middle school on a separate campus, Holly Grove, in addition to being the only time they are assigned to a school in Holly Springs will cause a hardship for our children as they are forced to lose friends and social connections when they transition from elementary school to middle school and then again when they transition to high school. The lack of alignment between elementary school, middle school, and high school makes no sense. In addition, it is an extreme burden and hardship for families with kids at multiple schools to be forced to travel in multiple directions for drop-off and pickup. I echo the statements above from other neighbors- Please consider consistency for these children and their parents. Either all Fuquay schools from elementary to high school or put us back in all Holly Springs schools.

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Prabin Gautam almost 3 years ago

we live in Wildwood community, Holly springs. My son is in first grade at HARES. I have loved the school, yeararound calendar and planned to keep him there throughout the elementary. I was excited he would be going to same middle school as his friends and may be same highschool. But the assignment of 22/23 middle school to holly grove has brought a unwanted disturbance. I am already worried about his middle school. The school assignment for wildwood must be corrected so its easy for kids and their parents. Period.

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Tatyana Ten over 2 years ago

I did join the conference call and I understand the reasons of the assignment. I also understand parent's frustration when kids being pulled from their current middle school. It makes more sense to move rising 6 Graders to new school as a first priority. We live in Springhill community, Herbert Akins is only 1 stop light away. Our current base school is Holly Grove. I will try to apply for a transfer request in February.

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Beatrice Runyan over 2 years ago

How will the Track assignments work with a new school? Will incoming 8th graders get first choice, do they use the same track they are currently on or is it randomly assigned?


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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi - Track assignments are determined by the school around spring time. The principal will reach out to families when this process takes place.

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Renee KowalskiAmes over 2 years ago

I am in Favor of my subdivision/address moving from year round option of West Lake Middle to Herbert Aikens Middle. For my child this will be a beneficial move closer to our address here in Fuquay-Varina vs driving or riding the bus all the way to West Lake Middle. Currently my boys ride the bus for 2 - 2 1/2 hours from West Lake Middle to Fuquay-Varina.

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Renee KowalskiAmes over 2 years ago

Track Assignments for kids being reassigned from West Lake Middle to Herbert Aikens Middle?? Will we be able to keep our same Track? We have been Track 4 for well over 5 years now. With my older twins moving into Traditional with High School next year, it would be a mess to have my rising 7th grader on any other Track other than Track 4.

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Renee - take a look at my answer to Beatrice right above this.

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Natalie Goodman over 2 years ago

I am asking for school assignment and the board to PLEASE reconsider looking into the Cypress Meadow neighborhood at 1010 and 401 and including us in the move to HAMS. It makes zero sense to have our kids go 25-30 minutes north to Garner when we live in Fuquay. We are paying taxes to the town of Fuquay, and we should be in Fuquay schools. We have already been through this with reassignment to a Raleigh elementary and our requests fell on deaf ears. PLEASE listen to us.

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Meridith Holloway over 2 years ago

I am wondering why my child who lives in Fuquay and currently attends Ballentine Elementary School would be sent to Holly Grove Middle School in Holly Springs when we will finally have a year round middle school in Fuquay(Herbert Akins Middle School). I feel that this is going to cause social anxiety and be a hardship during an already tough transition from elementary school to middle school. The pandemic and virtual school have been hard enough but my daughter has finally had a semi normal year and has done well making friends but those connections are going to be lost if she has to move to a school in another town, have to make new friends and then lose those friendships when she again has to transfer back to a high school in Fuquay. I also will still have a younger student in Ballentine ES which is a little over 2 miles away from Herbert Akins Middle School as opposed to over 7 miles to Holly Grove MS. Please consider allowing students in Fuquay that are already at a year round elementary school in Fuquay attend a year round middle school in Fuquay, especially when they live in Fuquay.

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