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To keep up with projected growth in some parts of the county and prevent the overcrowding of schools, we’re opening three new schools:

Other parts of the proposal are aimed at relieving some overcrowded schools, increasing the base attendance areas at under-utilized schools, and improving transportation efficiency. 

Some students affected by this proposal will be able to submit a stability transfer and remain at their current school. Review the stability rules.

Enter your address to see if you're proposed to have a new school assignment in 2022-23.

Find the thread below that applies to you and share any questions and feedback. Staff and board members review questions and feedback as they prepare for the second draft of the proposal, which is scheduled to be presented to the board on Nov. 16. View timeline.

Under this proposal, some students currently assigned to Abbotts Creek Elementary School would be assigned to Brassfield Elementary School.  See if you are proposed to be affected

Some students affected by this proposal would be eligible to stay at their current school under our stability rules

Please share your feedback about this proposal below.

15 Responses

Heidi Jordan almost 3 years ago

How do we know if we are affected? I entered my address information into the address finder and it still shows Abbotts as my base school. Does this mean my kids will not be affected by this change? Thanks.

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Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Heidi, someone from student assignment will reach out to you to confirm that you aren't being affected by this proposal.

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Heidi Jordan almost 3 years ago

I guess my comment is in the wrong field as well bc mine should most likely be under the Abbotts to durant as well.

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Steven Bronstein almost 3 years ago

We are proposed to have to change our sons school to Durant Rd next year. This is unacceptable really. Why does our son have to change? Change the newest kids who have enrolled not ours who has barely had any stability since Covid started.

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Chris Winzeler almost 3 years ago

Hi Steven, we live on Falls River Avenue and are in the same situation with our current first grader. Would you mind moving your comment under the Abbotts Creek/Durant forum? I know this forum is confusing. I just don't want your feedback to get lost as this one is related to Abbotts Creek/Brassfield. Thanks for your feedback. Here is the link for the one related to Abbotts/Durant move

1 Vote
Bay Scroggins almost 3 years ago

Thanks for this! Please move the comment over to the discussion on Abbotts Creek and Durant so it can be seen. This one is for the move from Abbotts to Brassfield. You have to scroll a bit farther to find the one we need to comment on. Thanks!

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Daiane Braginsky almost 3 years ago

I'm not sure if my daughter who attends Kindergarten is affected. I've checked the address locator a few times and it keep giving me different answers.

My daughter was placed on the hold list last year due to the cap situation with no hope to be accepted. At that point we had accepted our faith that she would have to attend the overflow school in hopes that she could get a spot at Aces.

But to our surprise she got a spot. The whole process of waiting and reach out and getting feedback caused much stress and now she may have to move again. She loves the school and her teacher and she is doing extremely well. Moving schools would be an issue and would caused more stress.

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Jennifer Matthews over 2 years ago

This proposed reassignment to Brassfield will not solve the problem of “overcrowding “ at AbbottsCreek or filling spots at Durant Road Elementary. Currently, there are 747 students at Brassfield and 716 students at Durant. It is likely if we choose Brassfield as our base school it will be capped in the next few years and we will have the same problem. Or if we try to choose Brassfield, WCPSS will say sorry it’s capped you must attend Durant Road Elementary. WCPSS please stop this mess of reassignment and focus on why some schools are under enrolled and why are these kids not getting the proper education. Spend money on helping these schools not the schools that are doing well. Ask the community how we can improve all wake county schools!

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Caitlin Duncan over 2 years ago

I strongly oppose this plan. I'm honestly shocked that this is being proposed after the extremely difficult two years that our children have endured during the pandemic! My daughter started Kindergarten virtually at Abbotts Creek and is finally thriving since being back in the classroom. To suggest that she will once again be uprooted to a new school with new faces to "fix" your numbers is outrageous. This plan shows a disregard for the mental health and stability of our children. As others have suggested, I also agree that this isn't solving the true issue at hand. If this is truly to solve an issue of overcrowding then this is not the answer. Please delay this proposal until you are able to provide a more detailed outline of how this will solve the issues for coming years. Falls River wants to work with you to develop a plan that is not made at the expense of our children who have already suffered enough.

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Jaclyn Henderson over 2 years ago

Student reassignment should be reserved for emergency situations only. This is not an emergency, nor does it solve enrollment issues for the future. These reassignments have a much greater affect than just a number on paper and please stop seeing these children, my children, my neighbor’s children as just numbers. They have gotten to know and love their school and school staff and Trantham has built a tight community at ACES. Reassigning them might look good for your numbers on a piece of paper but this affects their academics, their friends, their livelihood and well being and much more. Please re-evaluate allowable capacities for these schools. These numbers were set years ago and we have no visibility into how they were set and the parameters used to set them. Seems like this is a nonissue considering how well-run Abbott’s creek is. Look at our ranking, test scores, 100% staffed, etc- if we were suffering from being over capped, we’d have teachers leaving/not wanting to stay, lower test scores, overall lower ranking.

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Saba Ginsburg over 2 years ago

I oppose this proposal and this is just 1 of 2 (that we currently know about) that plans to reassign students from Abbotts Creek to other schools. Who is left and what neighborhoods are prioritized in attending Abbotts if there are 2 separate proposals to reassign to 2 different schools already? What is the long-term strategy because the short term looks like a haphazard plan to address a capped school. It leaves one neighborhood in particular (Falls River) vulnerable to years of inconsistency and instability not only for elementary but MS and HS as well.

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Lisa Harmon over 2 years ago

I am against this proposal. As a Falls River resident, we have been part of Abbotts Creek Elementary since it opened. The community there is important for Falls River families. With so much crazy change in the world, we really do need a stable school situation for our kids. Changing schools is a big deal and has major affects on children and families. We love being close to our school. We love that it's a neighborhood school. Please don't take this away.

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Connie Elzey over 2 years ago

It seems only fair that present families be grandfathered into this school. Children need stability now more than ever in their lives. Be proactive for these families, true educators and do the right thing for these families already involved and assimilated in ACES.

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Pat Harrison over 2 years ago

I oppose moving Falls River children to Durant Rd ES for the following reasons: Discrepancy of NC Elem School Ratings: ACES 112/ Durant Rd ES 610 Disruption of normalcy for the students following a fearful period of inconsistencies and unknowns which impacted their academic, social, emotional and mental health. Research is needed to consider other alternatives. School Board not allowing enough time for consideration on the critical decision before voting. Parents need to be heard and their input considered in a timely manner. It concerns me that the SB may not be taking all these issues into account. All children deserve peace of mind knowing they will start and finish in the same school and never have to worry about starting over and over again.

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Kathryn Gentry over 2 years ago

I have a student at Abbott’s Creek Elementary and I live in Falls River. I am opposed to this new proposal. I agree with everything that has already been said in all of the previous comments. Our children have been through so much recently. They need consistency- not more changes. We need to keep ACES together.

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