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To keep up with projected growth in some parts of the county and prevent the overcrowding of schools, we’re opening three new schools:

Other parts of the proposal are aimed at relieving some overcrowded schools, increasing the base attendance areas at under-utilized schools, and improving transportation efficiency. 

Some students affected by this proposal will be able to submit a stability transfer and remain at their current school. Review the stability rules.

Enter your address to see if you're proposed to have a new school assignment in 2022-23.

Find the thread below that applies to you and share any questions and feedback. Staff and board members review questions and feedback as they prepare for the second draft of the proposal, which is scheduled to be presented to the board on Nov. 16. View timeline.

Under this proposal, some students currently assigned to Holly Springs High School would be assigned to Fuquay-Varina High school. See if you are proposed to be affected. 
Some students affected by this proposal would be eligible to stay at their current school under our stability rules
Please share your feedback about this proposal below.

75 Responses

Karen Walker almost 3 years ago

I don't see any way to comment on the change impacting my kids where we will be moved from Apex Friendship High to Middle Creek. If this comment needs moving, please do so.
I currently have 2 students at AFHS which is consistently rated between an 8-10 on Great Schools. I am now showing my kids are moving to a school rated a 6. What do I need to do to assure my kids currently enrolled at AFHS can finish their High School careers there?

1 Vote
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi there - currently there is not a proposed move from Apex Friendship High to Middle Creek High. I have brought this to student assignment's attention and the address lookup is being updated.

1 Vote
Shanna Ly almost 3 years ago

Why would wake county single out Stonemont community and send to fuquay? You will separate us from the town and all the other neighborhoods in the area. I live 3 minutes to Holly Springs HS and I will have to drive by that school to get to Fuquay HS for 15 minute drive. It’s not fair. Make all of Stonemont go to Holly Springs HS

20 Votes
Pavan Karnam almost 3 years ago

Holly Springs High School is just 4-5 minutes away from the stone mont community. How would it help the community by changing the base school. There are many factors we consider to move to a community. Kids schools being one of the major contribution. Changing the base school should be done only after considering the impacts we are having on the community. We only see more pain for the families and students with this proposal. Please consider not to change the base school for the stone mont community.

20 Votes
Emily Fahringer almost 3 years ago

Once again we are having this conversation. When it was brought up last year there should have been better decisions made that wouldn’t have us looking at this again this year. We live in Stonemont which is walking distance to HS high school. You are now asking my daughter to ride the bus for an extensive amount of time to go to FV high school. That just doesn’t make sense. There are other neighborhoods further from the high school that would make more sense. Stonemont should all go to HS high school due to its proximity.

20 Votes
Maria Morales almost 3 years ago

One of the reasons we chose Stonemont neighborhood was because of the proximity of the schools. I currently have 3 kids at Holly Springs high school and an 8th grader who will attend high school and they are already settled there. It is convenient for me and them to live close to their high school. My oldest gets to come eat lunch at home. Please do not make us move high school. Although the miles aren’t that much the traffic is bad and it takes 20 minutes to get there. Keep Stonemont close to the schools nearby.

20 Votes
Saurin Pandya almost 3 years ago

Like many other residents, one of the reasons for us to move to Stonemont was/is the convenience of schools being so close from our home. It would be very disappointing if the my son has to attend FV high school when HS high school is just 7 minutes away. I strongly appeal and request county to reconsider this decision.. it just doesn’t make sense and not favorable to any Stonemont residents.

18 Votes
Lynne Sharp almost 3 years ago

Holly Springs High School is 1.2miles away. It is less than 7 minutes..

4 Votes
Natalie Doud almost 3 years ago

Stonemont is less than 5 min away from HSHS, to make our neighborhood kids have to go 15-20 min to FVHS is wrong. Other neighborhoods are further from HSHS and closer to FVHS than Stonemont and yet Stonemont is the neighborhood you decide to redistrict? This decision makes zero sense when there are several other neighborhoods that would seem like a logical switch. This is awful for our kids to have to remain on the bus that long, not fair for them.

19 Votes
Jen Sawyer almost 3 years ago

I don't see how this is fair or even makes any sense. We just moved here and moved here because we were zoned for HSHS NOT Fuquay. We moved here, to Stonemont for a reason. The schools. NOT to be told that we have to change highs schools once the kids were finally situated. The move was hard enough, Covid happened and now sorry kids we have to uproot AGAIN because of this? HSHS is our base school. We live right down the block from the high school (can walk there which shocker, would mean fewer cars on the road so less traffic that everyone complains about) and now you are telling us that we have to relocate to a school that is more than 20 minutes away from where we currenlty live? Last year you "mentioned" this and re-zoned half of the neighborhood. Half were zoned for Fuquay and the other half could remain in HSHS. Then we were told there was a "grandfather clause" that would guarantee our stay in HSHS, and now here we are not even a year later and we are being told that we 'could" be moving nonetheless, after all of this. Where is the decision to do what's best for our children and keep them where they are currently situated, comfortable and happy. If it's not broken don't try and fix it.

17 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Jen, I posted a thread on here with more explanation regarding the Stonemont neighborhood. Also, students will be eligible to stay at their current schools under the stability rules. Check out the last post on this page >

0 Votes
Kelly Takeda almost 3 years ago

Corallie, I agree that none of Stonemont should be changed to FVHS for all of the reasons already stated numerous times. Community, consistency, longer drive, other neighborhoods further away still assigned, etc. Also, under the stability rules, it says that transportation isn't pprovided. Am I reading that right? So even if we get to stay, we lose bus access?

Is there someone I can speak to on the phone or email directly? I have questions that are specific to our family.

9 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Kelly - We will have a staff member from the Office of Student Assignment contact you to discuss your options.

0 Votes
Son Ly almost 3 years ago

Hi Corallie - The proposed stability rules is a nice gesture, however it further divides the neighborhood into "haves" vs "have nots". My younger daughter is in middle school but would qualify since she has an older sibling at HSHS, however her BFF next door would not qualify under stability rules. This proposal has the potential impact to not only break up communities and neighborhoods but also friendships. Please take that into consideration.

6 Votes
Stephanie Pedersen almost 3 years ago

The proposed change of moving the neighborhood of Stonemont from Holly Springs HS to Fuquay-Varina HS is really a disservice to the kids who live here. The extended drive time and/or bussing is not serving our kids in a productive way. I’m sure the implications of less time for homework, extracurriculars, jobs and other interests can surely be seen here as not serving our kids in the best way possible. Let’s be better and do better for our kids! Let’s help them be productive in what they are doing outside of school, instead of them having to spend their valuable time on a bus for an extra hour or more! Keep the Stonemont community at HSHS!

16 Votes
Lindsay Maciukiewicz almost 3 years ago

One of the main reasons we chose to move to the Stonemont community was its close proximity to the schools our kids would attend. It makes no sense to redistrict this community to a high school that is 15-20 mins away when Holly Springs HS is just down the street. There are many other communities closer to FVHS that would make more sense to switch. Please don’t make this change as it would have an extremely negative impact on a community so many bought into under the assumption that their kids would go to school less than 2 miles from home.

16 Votes
Jaime Brenner almost 3 years ago

HSHS is <2 miles from Stonemont. It does not make sense to move these kids to FVHS. It was ridiculous enough to change half the neighborhood to FVHS last year, I vote to move them all back to HSHS, as they were supposed to be when we moved here.

14 Votes
Hima Karnam almost 3 years ago

One of the reasons we moved to stonemont neighborhood was schools, already children undergoing so much change and getting accustomed to pandemic safety rules… we don’t want our kids to go through this, when we have base school so close to us. Less traffic, less travel time will give productive time for kids and community as well.Please don’t make this change let stonemont kids go to HSHS.

14 Votes
Monica White almost 3 years ago

Like many others, we did a lot of research before moving and specifically chose Stonemont in Holly Springs because of the schools. I think it’s wonderful that the elementary, middle and high are all within 5 minutes of each other making drop off of multiple kids a lot easier and convenient. I don’t want my kids riding the bus for 20 minutes when the school we were supposed to be zoned for is down street from our community.

14 Votes
Whitney Vargas almost 3 years ago

In the past, WCPSS Student Assignment Office and the school board have touted keeping the community together. This proposal/action went from splitting a small 144 home neighborhood, which I remind you, doesn't equate to 144 high school students, from 2/3 HSHS + 1/3 FVHS to now cherry picking Stonemont to move to everyone to FVHS. This is going from bad to worse. Stonemont should not be moved because we are small neighborhood, we should be able to stay within our community because we are small. You are now proposing to move students who attend HGES, HGMS and removing them their larger community that they have invested 6+ years in school to farther away. Most (if not all) of their elementary and middle school community will attend HSHS. In addition to the impact on our children's community, WCPSS can't even bus our kids to our current assignments reasonably, so now you propose to move them 15+ mins away, or hour and half bus ride. My daughter goes to Buckhorn which is a little farther than HSHS, and her bus route is 30+ mins. On top of this, with the roads the way they are in Holly Springs, you are risking our new drivers by pushing them out farther. Asking them to leave school for lunch, which they will unlikely be able to come home for because of the distance and traffic. Students have little time as is. Families and children have enough stress and anxiety that this is not acceptable proposal when we have a High School 2 miles/ less than 5 mins away. Move all of Stonemont to Holly Springs High School and be done with it. This current proposal makes no sense and is unacceptable.

15 Votes
Paquita Gantt almost 3 years ago

I've lived in Holly Springs for 13 years. Most of which were in Braxton Village. We moved to Stonemont, less than a mile up Avent Ferry, to keep our children with the friends and the schools they have grown to love, specifically because it was on Avent Ferry and zoned for HSHS. After signing, we found out that our home in Stonemont, along with the rest of phase 3, would change to FVHS, and the other half of the neighborhood is zoned as HSHS, which didn't make sense considering the small number of homes in phase 3. Stonemont is a small neighborhood compared to the neighborhoods on the same road (Avent Ferry). Stonemont is closer to HSHS than those still zoned for HSHS. Please review and reconsider having ALL of Stonemont zoned for HSHS where children can walk to school, come home from lunch 5 minutes away vs. a 20 plus minute drive to FVHS.

This change is substantial and impacts the stability of younger elementary and middle school children who have friends in schools but adjacent neighborhoods, property values given our location in relation to other neighborhoods to HSHS and makes more sense than singling out a neighborhood in the middle of other neighborhoods still aligned to HSHS. Thank You.

15 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Our practice is to keep neighborhoods assigned to the same schools to the extent practicable. Residents of Stonemont currently are assigned to two different high schools. After reviewing the projected crowding at Holly Springs High, the proposal is to assign Stonemont to Fuquay-Varina High where there are available seats. While we strive to assign students to the most proximate school to their address, it is not always possible. Again, Holly Springs High is projected to be overcrowded, and Fuquay-Varina High is the most proximate school with available seats.

0 Votes
Shanna Ly almost 3 years ago

Do you realize you are taking a neighborhood away from its community? That all the neighborhoods around it is going to Holly Springs? Can’t you pick a neighborhood better suited and closer in proximity? At least one on the outskirts and not in the middle?

13 Votes
Pavan Karnam almost 3 years ago

Corallie, Thank you for reply. Please check the valid points mentioned above from the community members on why stonement should not be considered to move the FVHS. Instead coming up with a solution, you are reposting again with what ever is stated in the proposal. Please be fair on the proposal and the reason why stone mont is isolated for this decision. It is going to impact kids in a big way. We request you to reconsider the decision and take it to higher authorities and evaluate. Who ever was involved in the decision did not consider what the families and children go through and the impacts it would have on the children. Community which is 5 mins away from HSHS and rezoning to a school which is 25 mins away? How would that be fair? How would you support county’s decision and reason?

12 Votes
Lynne Sharp almost 3 years ago

I am so disappointed in Wake County School district. Have you looked at a map? We could have moved to Fuquay-Varina if we wanted our children to go there.

6 Votes
Natalie Doud almost 3 years ago

Specifically Stonemont does not make sense to be the neighborhood annexed from HSHS, why not Honeycutt and or Ballentine? Both are closer to FVHS. This is completely absurd!!! Please explain why our already established neighborhood is being made to to go to FVHS when Honeycutt is still being built and 3 miles closer to FVHS.

16 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

This proposal is unacceptable to all the Stonemont families. Please use common sense and factors like proximity when making decisions that will impact many families. I'm including a map which has the communities going to HSHS in green, do you notice any inconsistencies?

Attachments: stonemont-hs.jpg
13 Votes
robert kelly almost 3 years ago

What happened to proximity as a factor?? Instead of uprooting the fine folk of Stonemont (who are literally walking distance to HSHS), why not change the Ballentine neighborhood to FVHS? That way all the kids in Ballentine can go to the same high school! In fact that entire Sunset Lake Road corridor should be going to FVHS if you are really serious about proximity.

14 Votes
Chris Dombek almost 3 years ago

We moved to this area 8 years ago and bought our first house in HS so that our kids could go to HGES, HGMS, and HSHS. We did a lot of research and were advised by someone in the Wake school system that rezoning was a constant headache and concern for parents in Raleigh. We wanted stability for our kids. Then we sold our first house in Holly Glen and bought in Stonemont just to keep our kids in the same schools. We don't understand how we can live within 2 miles of our neighborhood school and suddenly be told we must go to another school in another town. When there are neighborhoods that are much closer to Fuquay Varina than Stonemont. When we viewed the map, we were dismayed at the way Stonemont was intentionally drawn out of HSHS. It does not appear that proximity was a factor in this draft plan. With all of the stress and confusion brought on by COVID, why do we need another bump in the road? The main reason that we moved to HS was for the school system, we like the idea of having elementary, junior, and high school altogether. We like that our child has friends that she has become very comfortable with and cares about. It is hard to change schools and make new friends. This change also creates traffic issues. Another reason we moved to HS was its close proximity to 540 and now we will need to drive out of our way in the opposite direction while passing our neighborhood school along the way. This just doesn't make sense. Please reconsider the first draft and keep Stonemont in HSHS.

15 Votes
Stephen Doud almost 3 years ago

A decision to change the assigned HS for Stonemont to FVHS from HSHS would be extremely detrimental to the children affected. Currently we are only a few minutes from HSHS and chose Stonemont in 2018 because of this reason. FVHS would add an additional 15 minutes (AT LEAST) each way for my children’s bus ride, this is unacceptable. Shouldn’t an established neighborhood like Stonemont (where construction is complete) have precedence over neighbors still under construction? For example, Honeycutt (still under construction) which is about 400 households and is almost 3 miles closer to the FVHS than Stonemont. If we ignore “seniority”, how about another neighborhood such as Ballentine Place which is almost 2 miles closer to FVHS than Stonemont is! Not to mention neighborhoods like Holly Glen, Braxton Village that get to stay as HSHS! Holly Glen and Braxton Village are both closer to FVHS than Stonemont is! If they are closer to FVHS why wouldn’t they be assigned to FVHS instead of Stonemont?! Families that chose to invest in homes close to great schools YEARS before other neighborhoods such as Honeycutt, Lochridge should not be punished. Why would the children of Stonemont be forced to sit on a bus longer than other children from other neighborhoods that would have a shorter ride to FVHS? The first draft is completely unacceptable, and I hope the WCPSS amends and properly assigns Stonemont to HSHS.

13 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Hi Stephen, Staff will consider this as they prepare any edits for Draft 2.

6 Votes
Whitney Vargas almost 3 years ago

Corallie, Thanks for the reply but Stonemont is not going to cure the overcrowding issue at Holly Springs. This seems like a silly argument and a lazy position. Stonemont is small and should be kept within the larger community surrounding it. I urge you all to take another look. You should look at splitting or moving bigger/newer neighborhoods who are in closer proximity to FVHS and are a community within themselves. IMO the current position is a bit heartless and I offer the decision makers to come out and see the neighborhood and proximity for yourself. Our families are not just lines on a map. I promise.

13 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

This makes absolutely no sense and all the Stonemont families with kids will raise loud concerns about this thoughtless proposal until it is rectified. We live 4 minutes from the High School and all the surrounding neighborhoods will not be changed to Fuquay Varina HS. What makes a relatively small community like Stonemont so special? How would singling out our neighborhood really change the overcrowding issue? We moved this community in great part to its proximity to the schools. Please reconsider this proposal. The image Im attaching shows the communities going to HSHS in green, notice anything inconsistent with this map?

Attachments: stonemont-hs.jpg
13 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

We have a petition against the reassignment of Stonemont studetns to Fuquay Varina HS. We'll be sharing this petition with the Holly Springs Town Council and local news. Please sign and share!

8 Votes
Son Ly almost 3 years ago

Corallie - As some of my neighbors have shared with you already, we're a neighbordhood that is:

  1. Already completed, homeowner occupied vs others communities still under construction like Honeycutt Farms, Ballentine, etc.

  2. Rezoning Stonemont's 144 households would be negligible on overcrowding vs Honeycutt Farms's 600+ households

  1. Farther from FVHS at 6.5 miles where as other communities such as Honeycutt Farms is closer at 3.9 miles -- per Google Maps

In addition to the above data, please also consider other factors when you prepare Draft 2 such as:

  • Long bus ride for the kids vs walking distance
  • Further drive for our new teenage drives on the road
  • WCPSSS touts keeping communities together but in Draft 1, Stonemont will be bifurcated vs the rest of the communities in Holly Springs
  • All of us homeowners chose to buy this neighbordhood with the belief that our kids would be going to neighbordhood schools
  • For our homeowners without kids, they will still be impacted since property values would decrease as Stonemont would be less attractive vs communities adjacent to us due the HS being 5 minute vs 20 minute away
8 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

There are greenways and pathways in the works that would connect Sontemont to the High School, which would allow students to walk to school. Please consider all these factors.

8 Votes
Russell Sawyer almost 3 years ago

Thank you for affording us an opportunity to voice our opinions about this purposed change to the school assignments. I hope that our voices are actually heard and could possible make a difference in this decision. I understand the issues that you face in trying to spread out the students to prevent overcrowding in the schools. I am sure this is not an easy process and no matter what you do you will always upset a few people. With that being said I would like to voice my thoughts on this purposed change. I appreciate the fact that you are trying to keep our neighborhood of Stonemont together in one school but I think that it may be an unusual practice to have a bus drive past one school to continue 15 minute to another school. Is this a common practice within the county? Are there other locations within the county that this is currently done? It does not make sense to me why the children from my neighbor hood would have this longer trip. This assignment is also splitting our community of Holly Springs. If you look at most of the area along Avent Ferry Road, all the other neighborhoods are assigned to HSHS with the exception of one other. This seems like an odd way to divide an area. I would think that straight lines would be a better way to make a map. Another item that I have observed looking at the school maps is that they account for neighbor hoods that are not even built or established. I would think that it would be better to assign them to a different base school instead of changing student that are already attending the base school that they have had for several years now. I also understand that these students can apply to remain in the current school that they are attending but than these students will lose transportation as an option. For some this could be an issue and have no other option than to change schools based on the lack of the parents ability to drive them. As a different option, there is a neighborhood on the other side of Holly Springs that is about the same size if not a little bigger than Stonemont that is not connected to another neighborhood like we are. This area sits on the boundaries of Middle Creek HS, Holly Springs HS and Fuquay-Varina HS. As per google maps, this neighborhood is closer to Fuquay-Varina HS. It is 5.8 miles away as where Stonemont is 6.5 to 7.8 miles depending on the route one would take. Stonemont is only about 1.5 miles from Holly Springs HS. It is our belief that travel time should be taken in account in this decision. Again, thank you for the opportunity for the people that are affected by this change to have a voice and input during the process. I hope that the board will be accepting of our thoughts as a neighborhood and look for different options while drawing new maps.

8 Votes
Ratna Karipineni almost 3 years ago

Stonemont is about 5 mins away from HSHS. Do not separate us from the rest of the town. Please reconsider the draft and keep Stonemont in Holly Springs High School.

6 Votes
Chris Dombek almost 3 years ago

Corallie, thank you for your reply and for stating that proximity is not always possible. I could understand if all the neighborhoods were the same distance from HSHS then ok some compromise must be made. However, there are neighborhoods currently drawn into HSHS that could be moved to FVHS and proximity accurately followed. So it is possible to adhere to proximity and keep Stonemont in HSHS.

5 Votes
John White almost 3 years ago

The root cause is a lack of long term planning by WCPS Facility Design and Construction department. HSHS was not designed to accommodate the actual number of area students and WCPS is loathe to spend any money to enlarge a current facility resulting in them even considering this type of patently ridiculous proposal. As someone who was assigned to FVHS this year despite our HS address, the school is lovely, but HSHS should have been enlarged 5 years ago.

4 Votes
Mary Brinton almost 3 years ago

I don't know if this belongs here and I understand that the zoning is important for the schools capacity but I also find it frustrating that the Bridgeberry community is also excluded from the Holly Springs schools. This is especially frustrating since we just moved here and had hoped that our kids could go to the schools close by (which I believe was what we were told/saw on the website when we signed on our new construction home although it took us over a year to actually move in). But what's even more irritating is that we are currently the only neighborhood that's excluded in the general area. Lochridge and The Mills are assigned to HSHS which are the communities just above and just below us and Bridgeberry is the only one that's excluded. We have a church community where a majority if not all go the HSHS and that would be devastating for our children (although not old enough to attend HS yet) to be the few that can't attend HSHS with their peers in the school that's closest. Please consider adding Bridgeberry back or into the zone.

2 Votes
Shweta Chatterjee almost 3 years ago

I live in Stonemont community which is a few minutes drive from Holly Springs HS. Why would my kids have to drive at least 15 minutes away to a different school, go past the Holly Springs HS! As much as we understand zoning needs, but this plan does not make sense and particularly for Stonemont community families. I am sure the great minds can put together a better plan. Please work towards it and keep HS kids in HS.

5 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

Our feedback and strong concerns made it to the news! Please revise Draft 2 to have Stonemont students continue to attend Holly Springs High School:

5 Votes
Shanna Ly almost 3 years ago

Just to add. With all the bus driver shortages and buses having to do double duty, why would you have a neighborhood bus so far out? Shouldn’t you try to keep the kids closer for this reason? And what happened to capping a school and sending new people/home builds to an overflow school? HSHS as far as I know isn’t capped. It may be full and overflowing, then send new people to Fuquay HS. We are a small neighborhood that wouldn’t make a difference. Pick a bigger neighborhood under construction closer to Fuquay that would make a larger impact for future growth.

3 Votes
Russell Sawyer almost 3 years ago

Why is it that the last post that was answered by staff was October 8? There have been plenty of questions asked and plenty of time to answer the questions. It was just stated in you public meeting that someone on staff looks here almost everyday. I also asked several questions in the public meeting but they were never acknowledged or answered. How do we as a community have our questions answered?

1 Vote
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

Russell --- We answer questions to provide clarity about the proposal. Any feedback shared on Granicus and in information sessions is read and considered by staff and board members as they work toward the second draft of the proposal. Please share any questions you may have and we will do our best to answer.

0 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin almost 3 years ago

In response to questions regarding the No Transport Zone/Walk Zone for Stonemont in the virtual information session last night: Staff spoke with our transportation department in order to get clarification. We look at all students who live within 1.5 miles of the school. If there is a safe walk path to school, we include them in the no transport zone and do not provide district transportation.

Here are the criteria for establishing a no transport zone as set forth in board policy: The Transportation Director will consider the following factors, not necessarily in priority order, in reviewing requests for transportation within 1-1/2 miles of the school:

  1. Vehicular traffic on roads along the walking routes
  2. Condition of roads and topography
  3. Speed limits and traffic signals
  4. Safety and adequacy of walkways
  5. Commercial or industrial development along the walk route
  6. Costs associated with creating additional stops
0 Votes
Son Ly almost 3 years ago

Corallie - I believe it was mentioned that Honey Cutt Farms was not being considered due to Walk Zone considerations even though there is no Walk Zone today. As part of the future greenways plans for Holly Springs, Stonemont is approximately 1 mile from HSHS and would qualify as well. Please see Holly Springs Master Plan for Greenways here:

2 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

Corallie / Glenn - Stonemont, with an average of of 38 students any given year, within 1.5 miles to the school and based on your criteria within the "walk zone", is literally the only community being reassigned under Draft 1. Please explain why? How did you determine that reassigning Stonemont students would address the overcrowding issues at Holly Springs HS? Why are "The Mills" and "Honeycutt Farm" not reassigned when they are still under constructions and should be prioritized for reassignment under 4150.A.2.a of the WCPSS policy code? I've put together the attached info graphic which breaks all these factors down for you. Please do look into it.

Attachments: stonemont-v2-small.jpg
1 Vote
Son Ly almost 3 years ago

Corallie / Glenn - Almost every single argument for reassigning Stonemont to FVHS has been factually debunked. Whether its:

  • Proximity HSHS (we are closer to HSHS than The Mills neighborhood)
  • Proximity to FVHS (we are farther than Honeycutt Farms and Ballentine)
  • Neighbordhood is sold or under construction (we are 100% homeowner occupied where as the aforementioned neighborhoods are under construction
  • Walk Zone (we will be within 1 mile of HSHS Walk Zone with the proposed Greenway)
  • Overcrowding impact (we have approximately 38 students at HSHS vs 60 students estimated for The Mills vs 162 students estimated for Honeycutt Farms)

We are not asking for much but rather a fair and consistent application of the policy. What Glenn spoke to last night was frustrating since it shows an unfair application of your policies.

3 Votes
Juan Schaar almost 3 years ago

Please answer this question. What will happen when Stonemont gets the sidewalks finished?

Are you going to re zone us back to HSHS since we'll check every box of the criteria for "Walk Zone"? Are you going to disrupt all of our >40 HS students AGAIN?

"Lennar at The Mills at Avent Ferry" with 221 homes, and "Lochridge by Ashton Woods" with 129 homes, will never be within the "Walk Zone", and are still under construction, and are assigned to Holly Springs HS.

Does it not make more sense to assigned these two communities to Fuquay-Varina High School now? Put together they would alleviate the overcrowding issues much more than just Stonemont with 141 homes.

Please check out this 2:32 minute video showing what the drive between Holly Springs High School and Stonemont looks like.

Thank you

1 Vote
Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Juan, I've asked transportation to see what will happen when the Stonemont sidewalks are finished. I am waiting to hear an answer.

1 Vote
Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Thank you so much Ms Tornow!

0 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi Juan and Pavan --- I talked to the senior director in transportation. He said that they measure from addresses within the neighborhood, not the entrance to the neighborhood. He said that there are residences in the neighborhood whose walk distance is greater than 1.5 miles.

0 Votes
Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi, there - transportation got back to me > Our routing team looked at this. Based on current standards, this neighborhood would not be included in the No Transport Zone because the distance to the school is more than 1.5 miles.

0 Votes
Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Hi Corallie, this is 100% not true. We're actually 1.3 miles from the entrance of Stonemont to the entrance of Holly Springs HS. Please see image attached. Could you please share how they are measuring this?

4 Votes
Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Corallie and Glenn, I personally measured the distance with my cars odometer. Please take a look at this short video (less than 2 minutes) which shows that Stonemont is in fact 1.3 miles from Holly Springs HS.

2 Votes
Pavan Karnam over 2 years ago

Hi Corallie, This is not true. Could you pls share what you mean by current standards? Please provide more details and support your statement.

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Juan and Pavan - I have sent your feedback and questions back to the transportation department. I will let you know what they say.

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Thank you

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi Juan - Bob Snidemiller,

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Thank you Corallie. Would you be able to provide the list of all the communities in Wake County that are currently deemed to be within the "Walk Zone". If not, please provide the contact information for the person who would be able to give us this list.

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi - The transportation department would handle this. I will contact the transportation department and Mr. Snidemiller to see if they can provide a list.

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Thank you Corallie. Could also request the official guidelines they use to determine whether a neighborhood is within the "walk zone" we'd greatly appreciate it. I've also emailed Mr Snidemiller with both of these request earlier today. Thank you for your help!

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi Juan - got it! I've shared your request with transportation.

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Thank you!

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Pavan Karnam over 2 years ago

Corallie, There are many questions still bothering us on why this is initiated for the community which is so close to the holly springs high school.

Many disadvantages we see for the families in this community.

Please see if the commitee can reconsider before the draft 2 proposal.

1) many homes in stonemont is with in walking distance for the High school. ( less than 1.5 miles) 2) There are many existing and new communities which are much farther away than stonemont and are for holly spring schools

3) Kids travel time will increase by 500 fold and they spend more time in bus traffic which is not acceptable for their health. Given the pressure they are handling in high school please consider their point of view. 4) They are separated from rest of the friends in their middle school. While All other communities going to the middle school go to Holly springs high school, only Stonemont go to FQHS. This again will have impact on the kids and how they interact with their friends and cope up with new environment.

So far we have not heard any answer on why stonemont is being targeted when the numbers are not changing after the rezoning and targeting such a small community.

What options are you leaving us to have our kids to go to HSHS with the above reasons impacting the kids studies and health.

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Corallie, we still haven't heard back from Mr. Snidemiller in Transportation. Do you have the items we requested? The two items were: 1) a list of all the communities in Wake County that are currently deemed to be within the "Walk Zone" 2) the official policy guides used for determine if a community is in the "walk Zone".

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

I am following up with Mr. Snidemiller and Mr. Carrozza.

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago

Hi Juan, I pinged Mr. Carrozza about this and he said he is going to call you today.

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Hi Ms Tornow, Thank you! I spoke with Mr Carrozza and he has commited to provide detailed answers to the following 5 questions which were proposed and voted on by the entire Stonemont community:

1) Why are "The Mills" and "Lockridge" not reassigned to Fuquay Varina HS?

2) Please share all the criteria and data used to select Stonemont as the only community for reassignment.

3) How many non-Holly Springs residents (from Apex and FV) have students at HSHS?

4) How will the completed construction of Felton Grove High School (Aug 2024) impact HSHS's projected student population?

5) Please share how "transportation" measures the distance from Stonemont to HSHS as more than 1.5 miles.

We have received a partial answer on question 5. Which was that the distance between the entrances of communities and the schools is not considered, but rather if any houses in the community are further than 1.5 miles. Mr. Carrozza has also committed to providing the following:

A link to the official policy guidelines used by the transportation department to make "walk zone" determinations.

A list of all the communities in Wake County that are currently deemed within the "walk zone".

Thank you!

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Corallie Tornow admin over 2 years ago


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Russell Sawyer over 2 years ago

Why is Stonemont, a completed subdivision, that is close to Holly Spring High School being changed instead of subdivisions that are not completed or just starting the building / selling process. All but one of theses other subdivisions are equal distance from the school and the others are further away than Stonemont. Most of the other if not all of the subdivisions do not require transportation to drive past Holly Spring HS as it would for the students from Stonemont. The current plan separates our smaller subdivisions into 2 different school this and the purpose plan separates Stonemont from from the surrounding neighborhoods. Stonemont should be kept together as a subdivision and in the same school as the neighborhoods that we touch.

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Hi Corallie, Here are the answers provided by Mr Carrozza to our community questions, as well as my follow ups sent today. I've sent him follow ups marking errors and inconsistencies provided as the answers. I wanted to include them here so the Stonemont community has access:

Stonemont Question 1: Why are "The Mills" and "Lockridge" not reassigned to Fuquay Varina HS? Mr Carrozza Answer 1: Lockridge is on the north side of the road and we currently used the Avent Ferry as the boundary. The Mills were not impacted at this time because we were trying to limit the number of families impacted. Stonemont is split between two high schools currently. We will continue to look at both of these neighborhoods as we monitor the growth in the area.

Follow up 1: Lochridge extends south of Avent Ferry. Stonemont also has homes north of Avent Ferry. With this criteria, Stonemont should also be excluded from reassignment as Lochridge.

Stonemont Question 2: Please share all the criteria and data used to select Stonemont as the only community for reassignment.

Mr Carrozza Answer 2: In an effort to try and impact the least amount of families as possible with this process, your community was proposed to be reassigned to FVHS because a portion of your community was already assigned to the school. This would now assign your entire neighborhood to the same school.

Follow up 2: The Mills are also split between HSHS and FVHS. Why are our families impacted when The Mills are still under development. Based on 4150.A.2.a of the WCPSS policy code communities still under development should be prioritized for reassignment.

Stonemont Question 3: How many non-Holly Springs residents (from Apex and FV) have students at HSHS?

Mr Carrozza Answer 3: WCPSS is a county-wide school system, not a municipal school system. All of our schools across the district have students from different municipalities attending them. HSHS has 330 that do not have a Holly Springs address attending the school.

Stonemont Question 4: How will the completed construction of Felton Grove High School (Aug 2024) impact HSHS's projected student population?

Mr Carrozza Answer 4: During the Draft 1 presentation I shared that Felton Grove HS will not be ready in 2024. As of right now we have an opening date for the school as TBD. However, when we opened Willow Spring HS, we shared with the public that Felton Grove HS was expected to provide relief to Apex Friendship and Apex High Schools, not Holly Springs. That is why we assigned students from Holly Springs HS to Fuquay-Varina HS at that time.

Follow up 4: So this new high school will not relieve any overcrowding for HSHS? Does that seem like a missed opportunity?

Stonemont Question 5: Please share how "transportation" measures the distance from Stonemont to HSHS as more than 1.5 miles.

Mr Carrozza Answer 5: Transportation measures furthest point in the neighborhood to the school. If that location is more than 1.5 miles then they will not identify the neighborhood as a No Transport Zone. The state provides additional funds to school systems when they are efficiently filling bus routes, therefore, it is not in our best interest to enter a neighborhood with a bus and refuse a portion of the neighborhood bus service.

Follow up 5: The links you provided as the official guidelines used to determine walk zone assignment do not mention once either walk zone, nor 1.5 distance of the furthest home to school. This was the link provided by Mr Carrozza which is what he referenced as the guidelines for this criteria

Also, isn't the point of walk zone assignments to not have to provide bus transportation for those communities?

The screenshots are helpful but may be cherry picked to show favorable points of consistency of the "furthest point within 1.5 miles". The screenshot showing Middle Creek HS walk zone has a community "Park at West Lake" with homes 1.8 miles from the school:,+Middle+Creek+Park+Avenue,+Apex,+NC/35.6528088,-78.7607857/@35.6607381,-78.7642158,2887m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m5!1m1!1s0x89ac8c1240ae02b1:0xa979eaf445f9b317!2m2!1d-78.760729!2d35.666728!1m0!3e2

How is this applying the guidelines fairly when Stonemont is 1.3 miles from the school?

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Juan Schaar over 2 years ago

Mr Carrozza proposed that reassigning half of Stonemont to FVHS would lower overcrowding by up to 4% as shown in the screenshot below from his presentation of Draft 1.The current and projected population levels with no changes are on top (aka no reassignment of Stonemont), and on the bottom are the projected populations if Stonemont is reassigned. As you can see, based on Mr Carrozza's numbers, half of Stonemont accounts for up to 4% of the total student population in Holly Springs.

These numbers don't add up, Stonemont has around 40 high school and 40 middle school students currently. Given all the houses in the neighborhood have been built, sold, and occupied, these numbers are not likely to change much by 2025. Given Holly Springs HS has 2196 students, Stonemont accounts for 1.7% of the population. These may be enough grounds to revisit the changes even if this was the only issue with Mr Carrozza's proposal. However, Mr Carrozza's numbers not adding up is the least of our issues with his proposal.

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