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To keep up with projected growth in some parts of the county and prevent the overcrowding of schools, we’re opening three new schools:

Other parts of the proposal are aimed at relieving some overcrowded schools, increasing the base attendance areas at under-utilized schools, and improving transportation efficiency. 

Some students affected by this proposal will be able to submit a stability transfer and remain at their current school. Review the stability rules.

Enter your address to see if you're proposed to have a new school assignment in 2022-23.

Find the thread below that applies to you and share any questions and feedback. Staff and board members review questions and feedback as they prepare for the second draft of the proposal, which is scheduled to be presented to the board on Nov. 16. View timeline.

Under this proposal, some students currently assigned to Northwoods Elementary School would be assigned to Pleasant Grove Elementary School.  See if you are proposed to be affected

Some students affected by this proposal would be eligible to stay at their current school under our stability rules

Please share your feedback about this proposal below.

2 Responses

Afua Tetteh almost 3 years ago

For stability purposes, it will be helpful to keep continuing students at Northwoods. For example, it took my ward a while to adjust to Northwoods. It will be in his academic interest to stay at Northwoods for fourth and fifth grades. Thank you.

1 Vote
Steve Lauderdale over 2 years ago

Due to the growth in Morrisville, this change (assigning some students from Northwoods ES to Pleasant Grove ES) is very helpful all around.

1) It reduces crowding at a capped school (Northwoods ES); 2) Students reassigned to Pleasant Grove ES will attend a school that is much much closer to their homes. (i.e., shorter bus rides or car pools); and 3) Reduces strain on transportation system. So, this has multiple wins – reducing crowding at capped school, much better proximity, and shorter bus route at a time when there is strain on the transportation system. A TRIPLE WIN! Excellent.

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