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The Wake County Board of Education on Tuesday discussed school calendars for the 2020-21 school year based on new legislation approved by lawmakers in late April. Watch the discussion.

They are expected to vote on the calendars on June 2. 

Apart from year-round calendars, these proposed calendars would be similar to those previously approved by the school board, including the same Winter and Spring breaks. Calendars had to be adjusted to include the five days of remote learning mandated by recent state law. 

We will notify you again when calendars have been officially approved by the board.

We invite you to share feedback and questions about the proposed calendars in the thread that applies to you and your child. 

On Tuesday, June 2, the Wake County Board of Education will discuss a proposal for all single-track schools to convert to the traditional calendar for the 2020-21 school year. If this change were made, it would apply only to the 2020-2021 school year.  Currently traditional calendar students are proposed to start school on Aug. 17, 2020 and end  on June 10, 2021. View proposed traditional calendar.


Why is this being proposed?

A new state law approved in April does not allow our school system to use the single-track year-round calendar. 


Why are single-track calendars treated differently than multi-track calendar schools?

We are proposing to start multi-track year-round schools in August rather than July because it is likely that restrictions to protect public health will still be in place in July. There are not enough days in this compressed calendar to allow us to comply with the nine weeks on, three weeks off required by state law. 

The new state law specifically states that single-track schools must have nine weeks in school followed by three weeks out of school. That same rule of nine weeks on and three weeks off is not required of multi-track year-round schools.


What are the next steps?

The board will discuss this proposal, along with other proposed school calendars, during their virtual work session on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 2. Final approval of any changes to the single-track calendar would occur at the school board’s June 16 meeting.

Please share your feedback about this proposal below.

204 Responses

Heather Pew about 4 years ago

This is a terrible dilemma to place families in who work for WCPSS on a multi YR track 4, but who have a child who attends a single T4 school.

There will be in excess of 30 days of misalignment between these two calendars. Not to mention there are significant benefits to health and safety with regular breaks during the pandemic (building breaks for cleaning, student and staff rest and health breaks).

I feel the NCGA digging their heels in and not permitting waivers for them to follow our multi T4 calendar for ONE year is short sighted and selfish. Can’t say I’m surprised but our family will be scrambling now to figure out how to make this workable.

16 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Agree....short sighted & selfish. And yes, this would leave sooo many families scrambling!

10 Votes
Darla Lewis about 4 years ago

WHY is there a separate Law for Single Track Schools? Why did they not include the Single track Schools in the Multi Track Schools Law ? DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. All this is going to do is cause more disruption for the families of these single track schools. We have had enough disruption, do not need to add more to it.

20 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

The beach lobbyists have a lot of influence on the state legislators. This is just a distraction for their end goal of getting rid of all YR calendars. This is just the beginning. Lobbyists that support the beach economy feel that YR calendars negatively effects the ability of our coast to make an income for our state. Thats untrue, but they feel like when North Carolinians are in school in the summer, the state makes less money at the beach. In other words, education gets trumped again.

6 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

It's why they blocked our BOE to allow other schools to go to other calendars, like an effort to force their hand at moving back to all schools on a traditional calendar.

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Caitlin Lewis about 4 years ago

We have 2 kids in a multi-track YR elementary school, but my eldest is heading to middle school for 2020-2021. The only YR middle school option for our address is single track (track4). So with the potential changes to the calendar, does this put my children on completely different calendars? If so, doesn’t this negate the whole point of having both traditional and year round choices available for everyone? Will I have an opportunity to apply for a hardship transfer to a multi-track YR middle school in order to have my children on the same calendar? And if so, how likely is it that the transfer is approved? I spent considerable time earlier in the year applying for transfers, track changes, hardship transfers etc in order to keep my kids on the same schedule. As a working parent, the thought of upending all of this and having no common vacation/family time is hugely frustrating. I understand that no one could foresee the current crisis and its impacts. I am simply requesting that accommodations are made for families in our situation.

8 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Caitlin. Matt Dees here with WCPSS Communications. I'm checking on the hardship transfer question and will have an answer for you on Monday.

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Caitlin Lewis about 4 years ago

Thank you Matt

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Jennifer Enzor about 4 years ago

This is a huge issue for families who specifically picked a middle school to keep their children aligned on the same schedule as younger elementary siblings who attend YR schools. If I had known that my kids would end up on different schedules, I would never have moved my rising 3rd grader out of her beloved class.

I don't see how single track YR schools should differ any in the 9 week on 3 week off requirement that standard YR schools face. During this time where cleaning is more important than ever, I don't understand why WCPSS would not want to have breaks as often as is feasible to allow for proper cleaning of school facilities.

So disappointed in WCPSS in not thinking this through, especially from a safety standpoint!

12 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

There are many families that share you concern with having picked schools to align their middle & elem....only to be told in June for an August calendar change! Unfair & not ok.

3 Votes
Kelly Klein about 4 years ago

We chose YR to keep our children on the same schedule. My only YR middle school option is a single track. My BASE is a multi track YR school. Instead of adjusting single track YR to traditional, why can’t we get a one year waiver for the single track law? This puts lots of families in a position they didn’t sign up for. I know there has been a lot of changes, and a lot of things that can’t be controlled. Please try and help those families that chose and NEED a YR calendar. This change will put us in a difficult child care situation.

11 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

YES! A waiver for one year instead of going to traditional is a good suggestion!

6 Votes
Darla Lewis about 4 years ago

Also, what concerns me is no one is talking about what a classroom is going to look like when school starts. I think these decisions needed to be made Before any calendars were proposed. How are you going to make sure that a class of 20 to 30 students stays 6ft apart from one another? What is that going to look like in the High schools, Middle schools and Elementary Schools? Are we to expect after all this time we have invested to flatten the curve, that the classrooms will go back to normal like they were prior to COVID 19. That will just put us all back at Day ONE of this whole situation. What are your plans to clean the schools, classrooms, desks, computers, walls, and the list goes on prior to school starting and then at the end of each school day? What is the plan for the Bus system? Are you going to bring on more buses so that students will be able to maintain 6 ft apart? Who is going to monitor that? Who is going to help these teachers monitor 6ft apart and making sure every student is washing their hands at all times needed? These questions need answers before ANY proposed calendars have been voted on.

9 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Darla. These are all important questions you're raising, and we are working hard on plans for addressing all these issues and more. We understand that it's critical to share this information as soon as possible, ad we are committed to doing that.

0 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Darla, the NCAE is talking about these things AND plans to bring those concerns to the WCPSS BOE. Please contact the NCAE building leader at the school your kids go to, to express your concerns on return to school protocols with COVID. If you don't know who that is, ask your admin.

1 Vote
Katherine Honeycutt about 4 years ago

Wow. Seems like it would be simpler to change the state law than disrupt things in this way, for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Idiotic legislation. Why is okay for a multi track kid to be on track four but not us single trackers. My oldest is just a rising fourth grader but I'm so burnt out from battling to keep our track 4 calendar. This is the third time since she's been in school that we've had to fight this calendar BS. No wonder more and more families are chosing homeschool, private, or charter options. It's time for wcpss lobbyist to stand up for us and get the law changed.

15 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Katherine. Can see how this can be confusing. Here is the pertinent section of the new state law: Year-round school. – A school with a single or multi-track instructional calendar that provides instructional days ...throughout the entire school calendar year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30, by utilizing at least one of the following plans:

a. A plan dividing students into four groups and requiring each group to be in school for assigned and staggered quarters each school calendar year.

b. A plan providing students be scheduled to attend 45 instructional days followed by 15 days of vacation, repeated throughout the school calendar year.

c. A plan dividing the school calendar year into five nine-week sessions of classes and requiring each student to attend four assigned and staggered sessions out of the five nine-week sessions to complete the student's instructional year.

The law creates a separate category for single-track schools with the 45 days on, 15 days off requirement that multi-track schools don't have to follow. Hope this helps clarify.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

It's not confusing Matt....this law was consciously & specifically written to eliminate single track YR calendars.

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Concerned Educator about 4 years ago

So let’s change how single track school are labeled so they fall under the same law as the other year round schools. There are plenty of traditional school calendars in each area for parental choice. Year round calendars want to keep their year round status. There’s a reason why we are on such a calendar.

6 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Matt, can you provide a screenshot or link to exactly where the above verbiage is from. I can't find it.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Katherine Just an FYI to another comment you made, under a previous state law, we are not permitted to add new modified calendar schools.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

If only the lobbyist for Education had the same pull (aka money) as the lobbyist that fight for the Tourism Industry in NC had...then maybe these laws could get changed. The fact is the Education lobbyiest ARE fighting, but the beach economy jsut ahs more money & can influence the legislation in their favor.

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Barbara Powell about 4 years ago

Remember these folks at the polls in November.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Barbara...exactly!!! I'm going to be working on finding out whose names are on the new state law that was approved in April that does not allow our school system to use the single-track year-round calendar.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Barbara...exactly!!! I'm going to be working on finding out whose names are on the new state law that was approved in April that does not allow our school system to use the single-track year-round calendar.

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Allison Abell about 4 years ago

I am very happy with this plan. We all know the upcoming school year will be very challenging during the pandemic. Converting calendars to have most kids on the same schedule in our county makes good sense. It will be particularly helpful to the many families with children in different schools spread out over multiple calendars. I hope the board will vote to approve this calendar.

2 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Many parents share your sentiments...and maybe even some that disagree with this decision for right now. The point is this proposed change is for THIS coming school year. A change that will be voted on June 16th for something that is supposed to be implemented Aug 17th. That is NOT ok. This is not ok for families that have made decisions months ago & chose schools based on a variety of reasons....only for it to be upended with one months notice.

4 Votes
Allison Abell about 4 years ago

I hear you and I understand your frustration! That being said, personally, I have child who is entering high school in the 20-21 school year. There are no year round options for HS, and my younger kids are still in year round elementary school. With the strong possibility of our kids facing A/B days of half in school/half remote learning, I welcome the option to have all my kids on the same calendar. I guarantee you every parent with a high schooler and younger year-round child feels similar. I certainly understand why families with only year round kids are upset right now. It’s a pandemic, it sucks, and whatever the outcome, next school year is going to be difficult for all WCPSS families.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

I never really understood families with multiple children that even chose to start at YR calendar schools if they were unwilling to have kids on different calendars when the oldest got to HS age. HSs have never been on YR calendars & probably never will bc of the transition to college....and that is a known fact going in. I have only 2 kids, but we chose YR anyway knowing that for a couple of years we will have to manage multiple calendars when our oldest goes to HS. But we knew that & still made the choice knowing that...and are willing to deal with it.

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Allison Abell about 4 years ago

Oh we’re prepared to deal with it. We are planning on dealing with it happily. however this gets resolved. I certainly had no expectation of our elementary school converting to traditional calendar out of the blue. We love our elementary school! I have had at least had one child in our year round school for 9 years. We have been there during the multi-track years, dealt with a forced switch to a different track, and survived the change when the school converted to single track and our schedule changed yet again. All because it’s a great school. So that’s why people choose a year round when they have multiple kids. But of course, if this change is approved than that’s another year that all my kids are on the same schedule. And I would like that.
And there are other reasons I think it would be a good switch for this year during the pandemic. I am very concerned that with class size limitations due to social distance requirements, our kids are going to be spending half the school year remote learning. The state legislature is proposing this very idea of A/B days, so only half the kids are in the building at one time. If this is the case, I think it’s wise for the county to line up as many schedules on the same calendar as possible for the sake of bus routes and yes, also for parents with older kids on a set traditional calendar.

2 Votes
Jamie KT about 4 years ago

Really disappointed in this nonsensical law for only Track 4 schools. Surely the better solution and less disruptive solution would be to have Track 4 schools follow the multi-track school Track 4 for this coming year. Many of us at Track 4 schools have jumped through hoops to have them, and for good reason. Not to mention that an August start date for normal in-school classes seems more and more dangerous as the days goes by. We need better solutions, WCPSS.

14 Votes
Victoria McCann about 4 years ago

While I understand the future is unknown and school systems are burdened with trying to develop the best solutions for the majority, please do not stray from what we have known and expected of our calendars for single-track year-round schools. There already is enough disruption to our kids' lives with online remote learning, lack of socialization, being home, etc. - keep one thing normal for them - their 9 weeks on and 3 weeks off. Changing our schedules to a traditional calendar causes additional disruptions and hardships for families who expect to be on their regular schedules. We know this is a difficult decision for you but please do not make our lives any more complicated and challenging than they already are. Thank you.

12 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Well said Victoria. I agree!

1 Vote
Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

This proposal is NOT ok. We picked YR school for the year round calendar and it works best with our work schedule and family. So can anyone tell me if the school is mulit track and has tracks 1-4 why is that different than schools that have only track 4.Why do just the single track schools have problems? This make no sense to me. This proposal causes problems for families and is just not a reasonable option. WCPSS needs to figure out how to have single track 4 schools remain on a year round schedule. We did NOT signed up for not a traditional calendar.

7 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Deneille. Understand how this can be confusing. Here is the part of the new state law that relates to year-round schools. Single track schools would fall under category B. Year-round school. – A school with a single or multi-track instructional calendar that provides instructional days ... throughout the entire school calendar year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30, by utilizing at least one of the following plans: a. A plan dividing students into four groups and requiring each group to be in school for assigned and staggered quarters each school calendar year. b. A plan providing students be scheduled to attend 45 instructional days followed by 15 days of vacation, repeated throughout the school calendar year. c. A plan dividing the school calendar year into five nine-week sessions of classes and requiring each student to attend four assigned and staggered sessions out of the five nine-week sessions to complete the student's instructional year.

As we tried to explain in the email, because we need to plan to start school in August, we don't have enough days in the remaining school year to meet the 45 days on, 15 says off requirement. Hope this provides at least some clarity.

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Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

But multi track year round track 4 is also starting August 17th, would they not have the same issue?

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Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

Thank you for your response and clarity on the "new law". However I still am unclear aside from the new law how a multi track school that has a track 4 calendar option is different from a single track year round school? I feel that this year instead of families and children have to make concessions to a "new Law" that maybe our "law makers" make exceptions and help the families and keep some form of a normal schedule. Especially this year. Also what benefit does this new law even really have.

5 Votes
Amanda Martinez about 4 years ago

Why August 17th start though? Would moving it up earlier for Single Track not allow for the hours? In light of classroom sizes being what they are for Single Track (not to mention the mess of the pick up/drop off lane) is it not possible to reduce the class sizes for just this year and allow for multi track in the single track schools? Or will that be met with budgetary and resource constraints?

1 Vote
Barbara Powell about 4 years ago

you keep referring to starting in August. Why can't we start the last week in July as before. I know this will be an unpopular statement but maybe families should boycott the beach for just one summer. summer.

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Kelly Ohara about 4 years ago

Please stop implying that we are confused over the wording of the new law. We all understand what is being proposed. What we do not understand nor do we agree with is the reasoning behind the decision. The track 4 in the single-track system has always followed the same schedule as the track 4 in the multi-track system. Why, when the schedule has to be adjusted for a once in our life-time pandemic, would there be a law written to specifically call out the single-track 4 as different and change the entire structure. So now that the new requirements cannot be met, the single track 4 will be required to follow a traditional schedule. Why not write into the law that all year-round calendars follow the same adjustments. This law was just written in April. Knowing that the calendar adjustment was pretty much a given, they chose to write into the law something that will disrupt families all through the county that had specifically chosen a year-round school for a reason. This is absurd.

8 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Replying to Rachel Blackwood, multi-tracks do not have the 45 days on 15 days off requirement under the state law.

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Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

Then what was the purpose behind making it a law for single track schools.

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Concerned Educator about 4 years ago

When was this law written and why is it now going into effect? Why can’t single track 4 follow the same schedule as multi-track 4? Why change our calendar when there is so much uncertainty?

1 Vote
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

The purpose of the State lawmakers passing these law is to tie the hands of our school Board....and eventually be able to attain their ultimate goal of traditional calendar only schools. The lobbyists that fight on behalf of the tourism industry have a lot of influence & money...they don't like YR calendars bc they feel it impacts the money spend by the ppl of NC in the summers at the coast. Lobbyists that fight for Education don't have the money or education loses this fight. The dollar always wins. Unfortunately, what the Tourism Industry lobbyists are missing is that the ppl of NC spend money at all parts of the state when on a YR calendar & if anything, YR calendars may free up some beach house rentals for out of state ppl to spend money in our state. The YR calendar cold actually help our states economy!!!

3 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Deneille. Understand where you're coming from. The law distinguishes between multi-track "A plan dividing students into four groups and requiring each group to be in school for assigned and staggered quarters each school calendar year." and single-track: "A plan providing students be scheduled to attend 45 instructional days followed by 15 days of vacation" So track 4 students at a multi-track school don't have the 45 on, 15 day off stipulation, but single tracks do.

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Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

Thank you for responding, I still don't see why this is necessary. They need to consider waving the law this year and let us follow the track 4 we have always followed or consider multi track option or some form of a year round calendar, NOT traditional. Are parent going to be able to attend the meeting either in person or via zoom to express our opinons prior to the vote?

2 Votes
Pam Hinson about 4 years ago

Mr. Dees, it was my understanding based on the email we received on May 19th following the School Board meeting that Wake was going to consult with the General Assembly regarding this problem in the wording of the law. Can you please tell us what specific questions Wake asked of the legislators and what the legislators said in response? I'm having a hard time understanding why they cannot edit the wording of the law to include the same flexibility in scheduling that is allowed for the multi-track calendars. It feels like there is a much easier solution than disrupting many families and staff members' schedules.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

That I cannot answer.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Deneille, The beach lobbyists have a lot of influence on the state legislators. This is just a distraction for their end goal of getting rid of all YR calendars. This is just the beginning. Lobbyists that support the beach economy feel that YR calendars negatively effects the ability of our coast to make an income for our state. Thats untrue, but they feel like when North Carolinians are in school in the summer, the state makes less money at the beach. In other words, education gets trumped again.

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Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

It is really sad that year after year we have some kind of fight to keep year round. It is a great option and there seem to be a good amount of parents that like it as well.

4 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

I agree. Single track 4 YR calendars are GREAT for many reasons & many parents like them. And yes, I also agree that it is very sad that year after year this happens.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Deneille, the State legislators have a goal. It's not just our Tr4 YR calendar....they are slowly but surely coming for all YR calendars. Every year its another law that gets passed to throw a that eventually ppl with either give up or all schools will be Traditional

2 Votes
Theresa Sierra about 4 years ago

I have two students, both considered high-risk, attending N Garner Middle school. This school is already crowded. Will there be an option to remote learn until a Covid-19 vaccine is available. Also to change the whole calendar would be a huge disruption for many families. Why not Remote learn until August 17 then switch over to remote and in-person learning.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Theresa. The new state law requires districts to schedule five Remote Learning days but does not allow us to schedule more than that. It also specifically prohibits scheduling Remote Learning days during the first week of school. We are aware that public health requirements could make additional Remote Learning days necessary next school year, but right now we can only plan for five.

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Barbara Powell about 4 years ago

I feel this remote learning has been just 'busy work' and set us more behind. Let 's pick up where we left off and get started

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Francine Kolacz about 4 years ago

I choose to enroll my son for the 2020 2021 at Timber Drive Elementary School for the soul purpose of it being a year round school. This is what will work best for my family to now have it changed is awful. I am new to the school system as my first son is starting kindergarten this year. And already the school board has a awful taste in my mouth. If this happens I will do everything I can to move my son to a different school. And this is sad as I had a lot of people recommend this school to me for the fantastic staff and teachers.

8 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Our school is fantastic!!! And this is a shame. I can imagine how unsettling this is for you are a rising K parent. We are at Timber too & choose it for the YR single track calendar. Also know, that this is the State legislators doing....not our school board. They are the ones who are put in the position to make these awful decisions bc of laws the state legislators are passing. It's the lawmakers we need to go after & not vote for.

5 Votes
Meredith Radford about 4 years ago

We are at Timber Drive as well and absolutely love the school! Dr. Kocher is an excellent principal and the staff have been wonderful. My son is completing kindergarten this year and we love his teachers. We chose due to the Track 4 calendar and how well it worked for our family. Good luck to your family.

3 Votes
Kerry Parrish about 4 years ago

Ditto. We chose the school for the reputation but also the schedule as it works the best with our life. Moving to traditional calendar but staying as Timber offers no advantages to help my work-family life balance, and staying at the neighborhood assigned traditional would've been better had I been faced with this option.

The educational cycle days requirement for single track schools but not multi track schools does not benefit everyone nor does it make education equitable. What is the justification for the 45 on 15 off - and if it is that important - why is it then not applied to all track schools?

The 45 on - 15 off requirement feels like the BOE and state governments way of weaseling pork and unnecessary inapplicable benefits at the expense of our children and taxpayers. It also feels like you're making my childs education not a priority, but a guinea pig toward whatever policies you hope to adopt next year to benefit whatever lobbyists are sitting in your pockets feeding you this as a benefit.

If its truly our travel industry whispering this and creating a foundation to change - consider their business most likely will not benefit from YR families switching to traditional. I like traveling during track out - and I, along with a lot of other parents who do prioritize travel as a feeding purpose for a year round schedule, simply wont choose to funnel money to in-state beaches and areas during busy high season simply because you've magically made "school break time" during that period.

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Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

Having single track year round treated differently than multi track year round makes no sense. We chose year round as it works best for our family, but especially for our kids. Please consider the disruption to both staff and families that have chose this schedule, especially since multi track year round track 4 is still happening. With this proposed schedule change, that leaves us without a year round option. If anything, ALL the school's should be moving to multi track year round to decrease class sizes.

We love our year round schedule. We actually moved to Raleigh because we had a choice in schools. Please don't take that choice away from single track schools when you are allowing it for multi track schools.

9 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

What she said...if anything, ALL schools should be moving to a single track YR option to allow for more off/cleaning time!

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Katherine Honeycutt about 4 years ago

My guess is many families would chose to hop on a different track if it meant they could still be YR. Obviously that would be another headache for wcpss to implement and maybe not the easiest option, but if adding a one class per grade level track to my single track school would at least keep my kids on the YR schedule that has proven itself to be what's best for them academically, and for our family economically, we would volunteer. Thank you for adding the specifics of the law that is the impetus behind this proposal. It still seems there would be easier ways to work around this than just switching all the single track calendars. In four years at wcpss this is the third time our school's YR calendar has been threatened, so I can't help but worry that if we change this school year, wcpss will want to make it permanent. what other options are being considered? Is there a different track than #4 that we could switch to? Even the modified calendar would work. Hopefully another solution will present itself. Hopefully wcpss leaders can fight for us.

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Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

I agree I would be more inclined to switch to a different year rounds schedule just to stay year round.

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Tiahna McDowell about 4 years ago

I would be happy to change tracks in order to keep on the year-round schedule as well.

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Jennifer Richardson about 4 years ago

What about adding tracks to the schools to lessen class sizes?

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Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

Yes! Except

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Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

Yes! Exactly

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Heather Pew about 4 years ago

No money to do that and teacher allotments are based on total head counts. It’s is far more difficult to change single T4 to multi than it is to change from multi to single . That’s why it is rarely done unless there is a major assignment shift due to overcrowding. Highly doubtful that this would even be considered for a one year fix especially worth families all wanting T4. Its bad enough of a misalignment with multi T4 but if all of a sudden track reassignments had to happen it could be worse.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

You hit the nail on the head! This isn't over. The state legislators are slowly but surely passing laws that tie our school boards hands with calendar options. The State legislators goal long term is to eliminate YR calendars all together. The Tourism Industry lobbyist have a lot of money & influence on the lawmakers....way more influence & money that the Education lobbyist. The general population needs to make sure they vote for legislators that support Education.

2 Votes
Heather Pew about 4 years ago

Unfortunately some of the single T4 schools used to be multi track but losses in enrollments led them to be turned into single tracks so they could more equitably serve students. Ex (Durant Es and middle just went from multi yr to T4 single track THIS year). This is so unsettling for students and families. I work on a multi track YR T4 calendar and will now misalign for 30+ days when I am in and she is “out.” I don’t want to have to move her school as we LOVE DRMS and she doesn’t need any more upheavals but this is a huge blow to the logistics of a family with a traveling husband, elder care for my parents and my own Job with Wcpss. To make matters worse ALL of her RL days will be when I have to work so if my husband is on the road she will be flying solo for an academic help she might need. The NCGA is being ridiculous when they refuse to consider a waiver for one year which is precisely what I’ve heard they did.

4 Votes
Tiahna McDowell about 4 years ago

We LOVE DRMS! We chose DRMS because it of the YR calendar and an incredible principal and staff. Our first hurdle was going from YR to single track- we accepted the change because we were still going to be YR and switching track schedule was the compromise. Our second hurdle was COVID-19, DRMS transitioned us to remote learning with the focus on the student's well being and it went very well. My son interacts with his teachers on a daily basis (Thank you). It hasn't always been easy but we forge forward. We understood going to a traditional calendar to finish out this school year for the betterment of all. HOWEVER, for the 20-21 school year, there has to be a better option than going traditional. We chose the year-round option because it is the best learning environment for my son. We may be a single track school now but we are still on track 4, I don't understand why single track schools were singled out. All year round schools have track4, shouldn't all track 4 students be impacted? If anything, wouldn't all tracks be impacted if we can't start the YR calendar in July? There has to be an option to start the school season remote and transition to in person or start in mid -august and take a week from each trackout to make up the time for education being lost. There are so many options I can think of that may be different and don't force us into the traditional calendar. My fear is we go traditional and then more laws will be past that we can't go back to YR. Legislation is past often without truly understanding the impact to our schools and our students. PLEASE allow us to continue on a YR option.

1 Vote
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Right....yes, the year the single track YR schools repeatedly & continue to be threatened. I'm with you on the fear that after this 'one year' they will just make the change permanent. I agree that moving single track YR to modified may be a more permanent long term solution, but there is something in the current laws that the legislators passed in the past that blocks our school boards from adding any other schools to the modified calendar. With that said, can't that law be modified or changed to allow for school systems to have that flexibility? The answer is YES....but the lawmakers aren't inclined or choosing to do that. The pockets of the Tourism Industry lobbyist is too deep & too compared to the lobbyist that fight for Education at the state level. And the Tourism Industry feels the YR calendar threatens the Tourism Industry & it ability to make all the money in the summer months.

3 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Emily. Under a previous state law, we are not permitted to add new modified calendar schools.

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Jennifer Richardson about 4 years ago

I know that you can not please everyone. That being said, moving a child from a YR calendar to traditional may have some performance effects on the teachers as well as the students. Teachers and children who have operated on this schedule for years are being asked to endure another major change. Can there be a compromise and put single track schools on the modified calendar?

6 Votes
Concerned Educator about 4 years ago

There’s a thought..... a modified calendar. That would be good and it would still be a year round schedule.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi there. Under a previous state law, we are not permitted to add new modified calendar schools.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Exactly...the modified calndar is a great suggestion, but yes, exactly what Matt said...previous laws that were put into place last time or the time before that prohibit that. The lawmakers will keep making whatever laws they have to to fill their political agenda to the Tourism Industry who perceives YR calendars a threat to the summer beach industry bc kids are in school during summer, learning, what is good for our kids & their families be damned. It's a sad commentary. But citizens of NC, you have the is your right & responsibility to remember this in November when the polls open!

2 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi there. Regarding your questions about the law, the school calendar provisions were part of an overall COVID-19 package: The school board yesterday directed staff to continue discussions with state leaders to see about the possibility of keeping single-track for 2020-21. We will know more by the June 16 board work session and meeting and will be sure to keep parents and staff updated.

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Tonia Patterson about 4 years ago

We applied for YR Track 4 because that is what works best for our family. Even though the school system in Wake County has a lot of options and can be very confusing, it also provides an amazing opportunity for families to place their children where they best fit. We are so grateful. I know WCPSS is just trying to make things work the best to their abilities due to this pandemic. But to change the school year completely can put families and staff in hardships, even more than what we have all gone through the last few months. There has to be another way to satisfy the new law while simultaneously not causing more havoc for the students, teachers, and entire families. Please DON'T CHANGE the schedule for Track 4 Only schools.

6 Votes
Amanda Martinez about 4 years ago

If I understand this all correctly: Multi Track schools can have their breaks adjusted because they are not held to the 45 up/15 down that a Single Track school is being held to under law.

Our children's school was multi-track up until this past year when it became a single track. The single track change wasn't well thought out and frankly we should be flipped back to a multi track for next year but instead we are looking at traditional.

I don't want my children in traditional. If I did, I would have just changed their enrollment when I moved here 2 years ago.

Putting that aside, this ignores what Year Round students are accustomed to and could adversely impact their education, which I'm also not a fan of.

I'm not even going to touch on the fact that someone thought it was a good idea to make a law targeting one specific type of schooling which then forces it into this mess in the first place. Can the school day be expanded? Are their options available other than forcing a type of schooling on educators, teachers, and parents that we obviously didn't want in the first place?

9 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

The beach lobbyists have a lot of influence on the state legislators. This is just a distraction for their end goal of getting rid of all YR calendars. This is just the beginning. Lobbyists that support the beach economy feel that YR calendars negatively effects the ability of our coast to make an income for our state. Thats untrue, but they feel like when North Carolinians are in school in the summer, the state makes less money at the beach. In other words, education gets trumped again.

2 Votes
Amanda Martinez about 4 years ago

I'm from VA where year round just isn't a thing nor was school starting before Labor Day in some parts until recently. We called it the King's Dominion law there.

The issue I have is two fold. The communications were initially split between Year Round and Traditional. So either Single Track was being considered Year Round then or it was already being considered as Traditional and no one was telling the parents.

Move Single Track off Track 4 would be the simplest solution. Not convenient for everyone but maybe slightly more convenient than making it Traditional.

I'll move my kids into home schooling if I can't get them transferred. They do better in a Year Round school calendar and I refuse to disrupt their education because lawmakers are shortsighted.

3 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

How can parents 'attend' the virtual work session on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 2?

2 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

You can watch the work session live on our YouTube channel. Work session starts at 2:30 Tuesday. The agendas will be posted here: That will include supplemental information and also give you a sense of when to tune into the meeting, based on where the calendar discussion appears in the agenda order.

1 Vote
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Thank you

1 Vote
Joseph Martinez about 4 years ago

This is absolute nonsense. When the calendar year was being hashed out/voted on and we were told the extra time being added to the school day was to compensate for the lost time, that should have applied to all tracks. Period. What you don't get to do it make this calendar then come in after the fact and say "oh what we meant was everyone else that was YR" and then throw people's schedules off kilter because of a lack of planning and transparency on your part. You've had plenty of time to work out the timing on the calendars to be in line with this law (that was conveniently passed at the apex of the initial lockdown). Now it just comes off that you are trying your hardest to do away with YR single track. i refuse to give an inch so you can take a mile.

14 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Yes Joseph...all of this....yes!

1 Vote
Jenn Greene about 4 years ago

I really can't believe we are having to fight this fight YET AGAIN!! Do you not think our kids (and parents) have been through enough with dealing with the fear of COVID19 and this whole online learning debacle. Now you want to take away how they will go back to school!!??? We have built of lives/schedules, especially for work around track 4. I give the statistics on here every time this comes around..why as a Mom do I have to be the one to educate the "Educators" Why can't you all ever put the Children first!? and not politics? It keeps the learning process ongoing. It reduces the need for remediation classes It reduces the need to have a Summer school. Less Teacher turnover Less Teacher and Student burnout Less of a financial burden on parents (long summer camps) Higher test scores gives lower income students a place to be safe and get nutrition and not left alone at home due to parents HAVING to work. teachers and the students have less stress and pressure to meet the state and local curriculum requirements Please consider ALL sides before making a decision and please put our kids first!!

15 Votes
Rebecca Garrett about 4 years ago

Perfect Comment!!! Thank you for raising all of the issues that come along with wanting our kids' YR calendar. All perfect reasons!

1 Vote
Jennifer McLaughlin about 4 years ago

This does feel like an exhausting fight - we love our school and would never leave now that we are there but we chose for our kids to go there because it was year round. Not just because we like the schedule but we feel strongly that this is the best type of learning environment for our children. Not only that but this year round schedule would also help us avoid some of the peak seasonal spike we are likely to see with the COVID-19 virus. Please don't change our schedule. Our lives are changing enough and this is hard enough on our kids as it is.

9 Votes
Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

Why are single track schools being discriminated against?

5 Votes
Concerned Educator about 4 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly!!!

1 Vote
Laura Seale about 4 years ago

In my situation I have a brand new Traditional calendar school (Abbott’s creek) sitting across the street from my current year round school (Durant Road Elementary). I would be furious about this proposal if my older child wasn’t headed to high school so instead I’m curious. Given a decision to keep my child in a year round school because of our appreciation for the breaks and the learning experience school that is provided by a year round calendar, what do you suggest for other school options for my child? I do not agree with switching single track year round schools to a traditional calendar because of that reason. Furthermore if it’s traditional calendar, can I put in an application to place my child in the much newer accommodations across the street? The one across the street has working plumbing and electrical amenities that work 99% of the time and no mold or mildew issues. If my decision to control The timing of my child’s learning environment is taken away then I would Like an option to have him go to the traditional school calendar across the street. Therefore, I would recommend consideration of adding kids to the school to create the year round environment again or even out the kids so that they are split better between the two traditional calendar schools regardless of the neighborhoods they live in near the area. Neighborhood based schools are more community building and helpful for kids and families. When the kids can play with their peers that they go to school with because they live near them and parents can help because their kids live and go to the same school, your community gets stronger. This issue is clearly larger than this particular proposal.

5 Votes
Joseph Martinez about 4 years ago

I will second many of of these sentiments as an DRE parent. Should my kids just go to the newer school then? Makes more sense to switch DRE back to 4 tracks and spread the kids out more. Better for social distancing, better for cleaning schedules, and overall better for the kids. The more I read up on this new law and how its being handled now, the more this all seems to smack of self interest grabbing hold of an opportunity to gut YR schooling for traditional and charter school nonsense.

7 Votes
Meredith Radford about 4 years ago

I'm sure this fight is only beginning. We chose a YR Track 4 school because we felt it was the best learning environment for our child. Traditional calendar does not work for every child academically as well as family schedules.

6 Votes
Eric Beavers about 4 years ago

Our family definitely was not happy to receive this information. We are one of the many families that chose Timber specifically because of the year round education. Multiple studies out of places like Duke, Elon, Stanford and many others show that year round education has academic benefits as well as psychological benefits. And in a state that doesn’t offer much creativity or “forward thinking” in their educational structures, a year round calendar is something we need to hold on to. What else (besides posting on this forum) can we do? I assume we can’t show up at a school board meeting, since I assume it’s not going to be in person. Do we sign a petition? How can we make the loudest noise so the school board knows we are passionate about our children maintaining their year round, track 4, calendar? I would love for our school board to stick up for us and fight WITH us to keep track 4!

8 Votes
Concerned Educator about 4 years ago

Why is Track 4 being punished? We are constantly fighting for our calendar. Why??? Why not start our calendar on August 3 for children as it should have been originally and teacher going back at the end of July? Many of the parents and teacher chose year round for the year round option. You say going traditional will only be for the 20-21 school year, but I think that’s a cop out and we will be told next year that since we did a year of traditional, we will stay that way. There are 3 schools in my area that are in a single track 4 calendar. You don’t want us to have that option? So give each school a different track and call us a multi school with multi tracks. Teachers need the year round schedule as much as students need it. Why are we not given the opportunity to vote on it? It’s just decided for us. We are told we can attend the board meetings, but when we log on to attend, we are told the session is full. Please let parents and educators have a say in Track 4 year round schedule. We want our year round schedule. It’s not ok to send a letter to parents on a Friday before the calendar is going to be voted on on Tuesday.

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Deneille Fox about 4 years ago

I totally agree with starting August 3rd I am not sure why that would not have even been considered.

6 Votes
Erin Holmes about 4 years ago

I completely disagree with this proposal. If the problem is the single-track calendar, can we just make the single-track calendar a multi-track calendar for one year instead of traditional year? I think having fewer kids in the school at one time will make social distancing within the schools easier as well. Then next year we can go back to single track.

2 Votes
Claire Wallace about 4 years ago

Track 4 choice has been given to parents in our communities and time and time again, we're faced with this battle......and it really isn't necessary. Statistically, children are better off in year round school emotionally and physically. I am a single mother of 4 with 2 severely autistic little ones. I already have one child in a different school on a different calendar and find that difficult because breaks are not exactly the same. The track 4 calendar isn't just something of convenience, I believe it provides a better education for children overall. A lot of parents rely on this calendar for work schedules and the long break near Christmas is perfect for our family because all of our extended family members live out of state, so the longer breaks give us ample time to travel and see family. I chose the Timber Drive Elementary family because it works for my children and they are thriving there. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic, it's a better idea to keep our kids on this schedule because of the shorter time period in school and longer break in between. The bottom line is, most parents chose year round for a reason and it is very underhanded and unfair to try to make a change like this knowing parents can't appear and voice their opinions.....especially with such short notice. How can concerned parents voice their concerns about this important issue? June 2nd is right around the corner. How can we effectively communicate our concerns from our homes when we're only in Stage 2 of reopening our state? It is only fair to give us parents our turn to speak on this as well because it's our children and families that will have to deal with the aftermath of yet, more changes. It is my opinion that our families are going through enough and we have to somehow come up with a compromise that works. I do not want to see our year round school opportunities taken away......and if we do it for 1 year, there is no going back. You know that as well as I do......

6 Votes
Lisa Beavers about 4 years ago

Please whoever it is that you are who is reading this and has the power to effect change... hear all of us loud and clear! All these “Single Track 4 Who’s in Whoville” are trying to yell loudly enough to make our voices heard before we are plopped in the “hot steaming kettle of Beezle-Nut Oil” that will be losing our YR track 4 calendar! I don’t understand all the politics and I’m not up to date on statistics... all I know is that our family chose timber drive because we loved the year round option and it has worked so well for our family. My son thrives on having the breaks every 9 weeks and being able to go back to studies 3 weeks later, retaining more of what he is learning. I am 100% on board with extending the school days by 15 minutes and would even be willing to be on board with slightly shortened holidays or adding a few Saturday school days even, or starting on August 3rd as originally planned if it meant we could keep our YR calendar that we so strongly want! Thank you for listening to us Whos!! After all, a single track 4 is an IMPORTANT track, no matter how small!!

7 Votes
Lindsey Gardner about 4 years ago

I believe that the single track schools should be left alone and allowed to follow the same calendar as the multi track year around schools as they always have. If I had wanted my kids on a traditonal calendar I would have enrolled them in such. I understand and appreciate the precaution of starting the school year later than initially planned, but I do not believe it is necessary to switch the calendar entirely. Also, how would it affect those of us that are grandfathered in or on a hardship transfer to a single track school? Would we be allowed to stay since it is not our base school or forced to switch for a year?

4 Votes
Erin Baker about 4 years ago

Yes please change single track schools to Traditional calendar schools. The whole purpose of a YR school is to hold more students if their are not enough families choosing YR to have enough students for multiple tracks then it need to be traditional.

3 Votes
Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

Year round schools have many benefits to both students and teachers, if year round didn't have anything to offer we wouldn't be fighting for it

9 Votes
Jenna Tarleton about 4 years ago

Erin, I completely understand your preference for a traditional calendar. Every parent had a choice in that and made their choice based on what was best for their family. Those in single track schools just may have that choice taken away. Many single track schools have just as many students as traditional schools regardless of the fact that they aren’t multi-track. Given that YR schools will still be available for multi tracks there is no benefit to taking away the choice for those on a single track.

2 Votes
Allison Abell about 4 years ago

Jenna- just FYI my base is single-track year round school, and it’s very difficult to get the traditional option instead. Most families in my neighborhood do not get their transfer approved. So it is not always a choice.

I totally get why some folks are frustrated with this sudden calendar change. My oldest is a rising freshman (traditional) and I have two youngers in track 4 elementary, so I welcome the change. But I can see both sides.

2 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

You are right, the original purpose of YR schools was to increase the number of seats in a building. As the years went by, parents & educators began to see the 9wks on/3wks off schedule was an education benefit to how children were learning & thriving educationally, emotionally, mentally. However also over the years, some multitrack YR schools did not have enough student population to fill 4 tracks....but didn't want to get rid of the YR calendar. Thus YR Tr4 only schools were born. So Tr4 YR schools house the same number of students as a Traditional Calendar school, but has the benefits of a YR calendar. Teachers, staff, students, parents and the building gets the regular 3wk break that everyone loves so much about YR....but ALL get that break. Unlike a multitrack staff, specialist teachers, admin, and the building NEVER tracks out. The only time a multitrack school is not occupied is the one week in July. Can you imagine the how overused the schools infrastructure itself is, as well as the support staff, specialists & admin are. YR schools open up a lot of seats, but there are unintended consequences too. The single track YR calendar should actually be the calendar that more schools should go to....IMO.

4 Votes
Jenn Greene about 4 years ago

I guess I am not understanding your point here?

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Samantha Lynn about 4 years ago

We chose track 4 for a reason! If I wanted to send my kid to his base which is traditional I would have done so. He stays focused on this calendar and it’s what is best for him. Also in regards to our children and teachers health the breaks it gives the school an opportunity to clean and sanitize appropriately! This is a very selfish thing to do! Send them back to school at the beginning of August and let them have some since of normalcy back! This going to far and it’s ridiculous.

7 Votes
KRISTY BUDDINGTON about 4 years ago

I do not understand how anyone can believe this is an acceptable idea. Have parents and children not had enough upheaval this year? There is a reason we choose to send our children to a year round school and even debating on changing even for a year just continues the disruption. Would a better solution not be to just make the schools a multi track to allow for the option to spread out the number of children at the school at any given time? Our school is capped which makes no sense when there is an opportunity to expand capacity by adding additional tracks.

8 Votes
Jenn Greene about 4 years ago

Are we allowed as parents to be in this meeting on Tuesday?? I am the Vance PTA President, and would like my voice heard!!!???

5 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Jenn. Matt Dees here with WCPSS Communications. You can watch the work session streaming live on our YouTube channel. It begins at 2:30 on Tuesday. Here is a link to the agenda. Single-track calendars are the second item on the agenda. You may submit written or video comments to the school board for their regular meeting, which starts at 5:30, by noon on Tuesday.

0 Votes
Shara Anderson about 4 years ago

This proposal to switch single-track schools to a traditional calendar seems in direct contradiction towards efforts in keeping kids mentally and physically safer. The amount of strain and trauma our children have already experienced should not be under-estimated. Stability and predictability are very important coping mechanisms for children, keeping children on similar tracks they're used is a crucial step towards bringing back some security in their lives. Not only that, but in a time when fewer bodies on school buses, child care facilities, after school care programs, etc are critical towards keeping our economy and state open we're entertaining ideas of crowding these resources even more? That doesn't make any sense. It's even more important to keep children calendars as close to their existing ones so that local resources (such as the YMCA and other track-out camps) can better accommodate children who are not all on the same school schedule. How will the busing situation be affected with 1000s of additional children joining a traditional school calendar?

In addition, this sudden and abrupt change creates so much chaos and additional stress on teachers and staff. We want caring, familiar, loving environments for our children. Places of safety and security starts with stability, connection from teachers and staff. The extra toll our teachers and administrators are asked to carry is already straining them, now these teachers are asked to make major work schedule changes? In viewing the proposed changes to multi-track year round schools it's apparent the school board has done its very best to work out a schedule that accommodates additional law requirements while still maintaining a semblance of the multi-track year round schedule to provide stability and security for students, teachers and staff. It's difficult to understand why this same thoughtfulness isn't applied to single track schools. I urge the school board to reconsider this proposal and offer single track schools the same thoughtfulness it has given to multi-track and traditional school calendars.

6 Votes
Allison Abell about 4 years ago

I completely understand the frustration of families who only have kids in the year-round calendar. Literally everyone with more than one child (unless they are twins) will eventually be faced with multiple calendars, because there are no year-round options for high school. During this time of global pandemic, and the very real likelihood of A/B remote learning days in the 20-21 school year, this calendar proposal is optimal for families with children spread across year-round and traditional calendar schools. I hope the vote will pass for this calendar change.

2 Votes
Shara Anderson about 4 years ago

Is there a reason why "plan b" wasn't given more consideration when determining the schedule?

Attachments: Year-Round.jpg
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Randi Clodfelter about 4 years ago

I am all for the traditional calendar, however if so many families are interested in the YR option why can’t some of these track 4 schools add another track to be considered a multi-track school?

3 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Randi. Matt Dees here in WCPSS Communications. The way the law is written, it defines multi-tracks as having four tracks. So couldn't add just one track under the law.

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Jenna Tarleton about 4 years ago

This is a very challenging time for everyone involved in making decisions related to school calendars, social distancing requirements in schools, etc. I feel for those making decisions in these unchartered waters and understand that you can’t please everyone. That being said, I do not understand at all how single track schools were singled out in this law that was put in place (although like many others I have my suspicions). If multi-track schools have the right to stay on their calendar single track schools should have the same right. Our schools are not different and our kids are no more or less important. I understand that WCPSS is working within what the law is requiring, but there should be a 1 year waiver to this law or a different plan put in place that would work. Rules are constantly needing adapting in this changing time due to COVID-19 and this should be no different. Changing this 2 months before school starts is not okay. My son is in 3rd grade. In the 4 short years that he has been in school this is now the 3rd time I have had to fight for him to stay in this school and stay YR as we chose when he started. First, he was redistricted and I had to appeal for him to stay. Thankfully, this was granted and he was able to stay. Next, we had to fight for his school to remain a single track school. Thankfully, after much time and effort by so many parents, this was granted as well. Now here we are again, fighting for the 3rd time in 4 years. It is exhausting. I am the Manager of Childhood Services at a local non-profit agency and have worked with children for 13 years that have developmental delays, learning delays, and challenges with behavior and/or mental health. When the families of many children that I am working with are choosing schools for their children I always recommend YR. I have continuously seen the benefits that YR provides. Many children need that continuous learning format to be able to retain the information they have learned. Personally, my son does not have developmental or learning delays, but I chose YR over the traditional calendar because I know him well. We, as parents know our kids and chose the type of school that we knew would be the best fit for them. I knew that my son would need periodic breaks in order to thrive. I was right. Every 9 weeks I see burnout around the 8th week. We push through another week and then he has a break. It is just long enough to help him rejuvenate and come back strong and ready to learn. It is just short enough for him to remember what he has learned. It is perfect. This will not be the case if he moves to traditional. I have heard this same thing from countless families. When families chose a school for their child this school year they had a choice and chose what was BEST for their child. This choice may get taken away for families at a single track YR school- and worse than that, taken away with only 2 months to make changes and at a time when children have gone through SO MUCH change. Why should we be the only ones without a choice? I am seeing daily through my profession the consequences that children being in quarantine, off of their normal routine and schedule, and away from social supports are already having on these young kids. WCPSS please don’t add to this problem. We need to be focusing on keeping things as normal as possible for these kids and approving this proposal is the exact opposite of that. A waiver should occur to this law or a different plan needs to be in place. I am a full supporter of the original proposal of adding 15 minutes on to each day.

This new plan is also going to cause a mass exodus to many schools as parents will be scrambling to find a school on a multi track like they signed up for. When this happens there may not be enough kids to retain the teachers that were promised their place for next school year. So now we would potentially be uprooting teachers as well. This is not a good look. Our PTA board also has positions in place for next year and it is likely if this passes many families may leave which would also leave many open at a time when we all know the school is going to need extra support to navigate COVID-19.

Lastly, I would like information, as others have requested, on when parents will get to speak out in-person or virtually on this topic given the unreasonable time frame that this information was sent out to families being affected.

5 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Jenna. Matt Dees here with WCPSS Communications. You can watch the work session streaming live on our YouTube channel. It begins at 2:30 on Tuesday. Here is a link to the agenda. Single-track calendars are the second item on the agenda. You may submit written or video comments to the school board for their regular meeting, which starts at 5:30, by noon on Tuesday.

0 Votes
Heather Gillikin about 4 years ago

I am a parent of a rising kindergartener and upcoming 4th grader. They attend what used to be a multi track year round, but converted to single track last year. It already created a transition for my 4th grader as he was track 1 before the conversion. He has ADHD and with him and my rising kindergartener, they THRIVE on structure. COVID-19 has already created a crazy life style for us and this is no fault to the school system. However, creating more transitions would be the fault of the school board. We all agree there will be adjustments next school year, but why change something that's unnecessary? If a multi track school with track 4 wouldn't change, why would a single track school have to? Part of the selling point of attending the school we are at is because it is year round. We enjoy the breaks and my son does well in this setting. Why make an unnecessary change for 1 year just to transition back to year round? And with that, I also fear that to avoid another change, the school board will opt to keep this decision permanent. That's a HUGE transition in the long term. 3 months off in the Summer for 2 full time working parents is very difficult and costly on summer camps. I do not support this decision and truly HOPE it's voted down.

5 Votes
Rachel Keeler about 4 years ago

So from I've read above, single track 4 schools do not fall under the same part of the law as multi track schools. Does not make sense, but whatever. Why then do single tracks have to follow the track 4 start date this year? Why can't they start earlier and/or add the 15 min extra to the school day so that they can meet the single track law as well as required instructional hours for the year? Or as many people have said above, just issue waivers for the year? Either of these options seem less disruptive than changing to a traditional calendar for 1 year.

I have a preschooler on a traditional calendar, and I still prefer my two rising 3rd graders to be year-round. If I had wanted them on a traditional calendar, I would have chosen that to begin with.

9 Votes
Tami Hays about 4 years ago

There is no valid reason why a single track school cannot follow that track on the multi-track calendar. Our school only switched to single track just this year, which was a track change for our family. I respect that these are unprecedented times, but there must be another way.

8 Votes
Pam Hinson about 4 years ago

I believe that the problem could be solved by the state legislators editing the wording in the law so that single track year round schools can follow the same rules that multi-track year round follow under this law. There is nothing about the single track schedule that conflicts with the intent of the law. It's the wording that is the problem. That should be an easy fix compared to the disruption the schedule change will have on families and employees. This change will affect me as an employee and a parent. My children will be on Multi-Track 4 next year. If my school changes to traditional, my children and I will not be on the same schedule and they will be out 42 days when I am at work. I think it is ridiculous that the legislators cannot edit the wording of the law to properly define single track year round schools so that they can operate under the same rules that multi-track year round schools are able follow. Please fight for a change in the wording of the law rather than changing our schedule.

9 Votes
Kelly Ohara about 4 years ago

Agreed! I just can not understand why the wording was added in the first place for just the single track schools and not all year round. It makes absolutely no sense to treat them differently when they have always followed the same schedule! And now students and their families will have to adjust to more MAJOR changes in the upcoming school year by having to follow the traditional schedule. It is completely absurd.

3 Votes
Tamara Santana about 4 years ago

Same situation here. And as a single mom, my finances are stretched thin as it is. And to do this after the transfer window has closed is incredibly unfair.

1 Vote
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Replying to your question about talks with state leaders, we are continuing to explore options with them. We should have more information to share at the Tuesday work session. You can watch the session live on our YouTube channel starting at 2:30pm. (Single-track is the second item on the agenda.)

0 Votes
Jenn Autry about 4 years ago

We all know we are in an unprecedented situation, and we all will agree that a bit (a lot) of flexibility will need to be exercised in the upcoming school year. However, changing our schedule from a year round schedule to traditional - especially this late in the game - is not the answer. This proposed schedule change will create an unnecessary hardship on most families in a single track school - which is an unreasonable request for the board to put on our shoulders on top of the unease and restrictions we are currently facing to begin with. There has to be another solution to fulfill the requirements of the new legislation.

Before Covid-19, track 4 was slated to start school on august 3. This schedule was to be a 9 weeks in, 3 weeks out schedule, for the entire 2020-21 school year. I am having a hard time understanding how this in itself doesn’t fulfill the requirement of the legislation. Solution: just start single tracks schools on august 3! Now, if the issue is the extra 5 days of required learning in addition to meeting that requirement, there multiple solutions which would not yank our families out of our current schedule and create undue stress. 1. One Saturday school planned a quarter? 2. Have single tracks go back one week early after the Christmas holiday? 5 weeks of break is a long time! No one will complain about that! 3. What happened to the extra 15 minute we were to add to our daily schedule? I could keep going, but I’m sure you get the point - the board can easily find a creative solution that we all find preferable over a traditional calendar.

Or, as another poster mentioned: lobby to have the wording of the law so that single track schools can follow the multi track year round schedule. It is absolutely irresponsible governing that single track schools are being discriminated against in this situation, asked to turn our lives around in a time where we are already likely going to be asked to facilitate more remote learning, more chaos than any other year in history.

Please, please do not add to the chaos. Keep single track on a year-round schedule and find a better solution!

10 Votes
Elizabeth Scherer about 4 years ago

The law is improper interference with local interests and parental choice—and should be changed. But assuming that cannot be done, Why not move single-track YR schools to multitrack Schools? We are being told by all health officials that public schools need to reduce crowding. Moving to Multitrack will automatically reduce the population of these schools by 1/4. Would I dislike being kicked off track 4? Yes. But at least I’m not forced onto a traditional calendar.

2 Votes
Elizabeth Scherer about 4 years ago

Also, it seems to me that it’s not just the legislation that is creating this problem. It’s Also the WCPSS decision to delay the start date for single track schools by 17 days. So if we started first of July as originally planned, looks like we would comply with the law. Or if we added an extra 15 minutes, we could comply with the law. It’s important for WCPSS be 100 percent honest about what factors are causing this Dilemma.

3 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Elizabeth. Matt Dees here in WCPSS Communications. In our message to parents, we included this, which acknowledges the point you are making:

Why are single-track calendars treated differently than multi-track calendar schools?

We are proposing to start multi-track year-round schools in August rather than July because it is likely that restrictions to protect public health will still be in place in July. There are not enough days in this compressed calendar to allow us to comply with the nine weeks on, three weeks off required by state law.

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Kim Willis about 4 years ago

Hi, I am a staff member and parent of two children that attend a single track elementary school . I am really taken aback by the proposal to change The single track year round schools to traditional with very little warning. I feel like what should be done is amending the law that discusses how single track year round schools do not follow the same guidelines as multi-track year round schools for the upcoming school year. We have faced something that no one has had to face before - COVID 19 and everyone has been under a lot of stress and anxiety. I don’t feel that this schedule change should have to be something else to endure. I think the simple solution would be to amend the law regarding single track year round schools rather than cause an upheaval in the lives of the staff members, students, and families concerned. After all haven’t our children been through enough?

8 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Please keep our single track 4 YR schools on a YR calendar....and find another solution. I strongly urge the school board to vote AGAINST changing Tr4 only YR calendars to traditional calendars....even for one year, or ever.

If any change of calendar should be considered for single track YR schools, I feel it should be to a modified calendar. I know there is legislation in place that also prevents that, but then waivers that are preventing that need to be asked for & granted.

I think we can all agree that families, parents, teachers, staff, you all (the School Board) cannot keep fighting this fight repeatedly....a long term solution needs to be put in place. A calendar change for one year isn't a long term solution and it certainly falls extremely short in the 'stability' piece of the 4 pillars. I also feel like it would negatively impact the 'student achievement' pillar as well.

The 4 Pillars of WCPSS Student Assignment is Student Achievement, Stability, Proximity and Operational Efficiency. A change in calendar announced in June to take place in August does not in any way, shape or form meet the definition of Stability. COVID-19 had changed everything for everyone across the world. As we all know, it has been difficult for everyone. Please do not add yet another pieces of difficulty & instability for single track 4 YR calendar families.

There may not be many Tr4 only YR schools, but the families, children, teacher, staff, and admin in those schools matter.

6 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

According to this, Darren Jackson for NC House, this was unintentional. Please look into & consider this as well.

4 Votes
Kelly Ohara about 4 years ago

This is very interesting! And my first thought is, if this was a mistake why is the legislature just hearing about it from parents and not the WCPSS board? The school board should have questioned this wording immediately and demanded answers as to why it was put into place. Instead, they just follow their own agenda and propose a calendar change for single track schools that will upend numerous households in a very big way. Shameful! I really hope what this post says is true and the legislature will be looking into making a change to the wording of this new law.

3 Votes
WCPSS Parent about 4 years ago

First and foremost, WCPSS should have contacted the NC Legislature to get clarification on why the law was written this way and determine if it could be amended PRIOR to proposing a calendar change from a single track year round (ST YR) to Traditional calendar. If that has been done, then that information should have been expressly given to parents along with the reason why the legislature cannot amend the verbiage. But WCPSS has left out that important piece of information and now has the onus of explaining its proposed calendar to mystified and disgruntled parents. Why is proposing a switch to the traditional calendar the ONLY option or BEST option. Again, this reasoning should have been explained to families. It is my hope that on June 2nd, the Board will be discussing this proposal, will consider other ideas for ST YR schools, and with parental feedback provided here, develop a better plan.

Bottom line, this proposed change will be a significant challenge for many children and their parents. Approximately 7,350 students and their families in 10 elementary schools and 2 middle schools will be affected. And I get it...small potatoes in a big field, but this isn't just a small change. There are a myriad of obstacles that will have to be overcome by families to make this switch. It seems the simplest of solutions is a word change to a law that was written in a such a way that it led to a terrible, unintended consequence.

7 Votes
Susan Raymond about 4 years ago

I agree with the vast majority of opinions expressed on this forum. We need to keep our single track schools year round. We can all agree that current conditions have placed us in an environment that has been an adjustment to all Wake Co families. Is there a good reason to make another unnecessary change that will drastically affect our schools and families? With there being a Track 4 calendar already in place for the 20/21 year why would a single track school be targeted with a separate law that would subject us to this major change for one year? There are so many unknowns regarding the 20/21 school year. Subjecting us to this last minute change seems completely unjustified, unnecessary, and from reading these comments it is highly unfavorable.

5 Votes
Kerry Parrish about 4 years ago

COVID is already setting students educational baselines for next year below where expected due to the unexpected change to remote learning and stay at home orders. These were necessary measure to further to spread but drastically changing a schedule and uprooting stability when our state is attempting to safely return back to a new normal is going to further downslide our children. I understand schedule changes must occur in the name of safety - but these guidelines and drastic changes seem far over reaching citizen safety. Keeping the cadence these children expect to start and return to school in the way they are familiar, will further prevent damage already done from something not-preventable. At the school we are chose, nearly half are on Free or Reduced Lunch - stretching parents to scramble to figure out balancing childcare for an additional 2 weeks, and further a long term new unexpected schedule is the last thing they need and will cause further un-necessary trickle down to students at not only critical moments of building education, but repairing trauma that may have occurred during COVID as well.

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Tania Longest about 4 years ago

I oppose the proposed changes.

2 Votes
Jennifer Candon about 4 years ago

Please keep single track yr on their track. As a local mental health professional, I know that children thrive on consistency and predictability. Our children, teachers, admin, and staff need to remain on their single track year round schedules upon their return to school. The necessary health and safety conditions of COVID-19 have upended our families and communities, our school community needs to remain a constant and that starts with the calendar. My child, like many others, thrives off the year-round calendar and appreciates the break after 9 weeks of hard work and dedication. He returns after his break, with renewed vigor and drive. This is why we chose to move him from his base/traditional calendar school to a single track year-round option. If WCPSS can find a way to make necessary changes for multi-track year round schools to adhere to number of days, there is no reason they can't do the same for single-track schools.

4 Votes
Rebecca Garrett about 4 years ago

Where to start....I have one child in HS and one in a single track YR. We applied for our YR school a few years ago because we love the calendar for track 4 and opted to stay throughout my HS child's traditional calendar. I believe with the current epidemic and all the unknowns of the coming year, changing the calendar for a single year is detrimental for our kids!! Haven't they been through enough?? And why should they be treated any different from multi track YR? Seems like an agenda is there amongst those imposing this rather than thinking of our kids' best interests. Isn't that what you're supposed to be considering? Many of us as parents are already facing the concern and uncertainty of how our children will handle going back to school. How will they be socially distanced? How will the youngest handle not being able to hug or be close to a friend? How will the school implement additional cleanings? With our YR calendar, at least we can have peace of mind that opportunity for deep cleanings are an option during track outs. Why would you not want that WCPSS?? My child attends YMCA during track out and with the pending calendar change, she will not have the opportunity to experience the activities she is used to. She will miss her friends and the bonds she's created with all of the YMCA staff throughout the year for these camp times. She also spends time during track outs with her other parent and their family and this would be disruptive to that schedule, which we have worked hard to enact!! We signed up for summer care with the YMCA based on the current schedule, and now will have no care for the weeks in August when Track 4's calendar will not be in session. There are literally zero slots for us to sign up for! Are we not, as a community and a nation, already experiencing hard times WCPSS?
Your proposal challenges childcare, planned travel, safety issues, time with family and time off for all of us. What a disappointment WCPSS. You must reconsider this change.

1 Vote
Kristy Creager about 4 years ago

I just feel like our kids have been through enough and changing their school schedule doesn't help anyone. I have a younger child in a multi track YR school and a older one who school was forced to move to a single track YR school this year. I already had to change my younger child's track last year to keep both kids on the same schedule since the older one was forced to move to track 4. There are tons of families that this would throw everything off by having different schedules. I don't feel it is fair to the parents or the students. I agree a exception should be made for this year on the new law. One track 4 shouldn't be able to do something another track 4 can't.

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Eva Snapp about 4 years ago

Please focus on keeping kids safe and helping teachers and staff work effectively – rather than creating more chaos for all of us by unnecessarily creating massive changes in our calendars. Please tweak the current single-track year-round calendar (if needed) to fulfill the law rather than switching us to traditional.

Requiring a calendar change for single-track Track 4 schools only but not multi-track schools that include Track 4 is discriminatory. The law itself is clearly written to help define year-round schools as DIFFERENT from traditional only in regards to start dates and remote learning requirements.

Converting single-track schools to a traditional calendar would harm parents and students, teachers and staff, as well as small businesses that are already under significant financial strain due to COVID-19. In addition to the many reasons stated in others’ comments, consider the following:

Parents – Because the vast majority of year-round parents have CHOSEN that calendar, it is a burden on them to suddenly shift to a traditional calendar. There are many, many reasons that year-round is a better option for many families and students.

Teachers & Staff – For both WCPSS staff as well as the staff at individual schools, it would be far less work to tweak the calendar single-track YR calendar that is already established – rather than completely change the entire calendar to a new one.

Small Businesses – There are many small businesses that offer camps/care to year-round students. Changing the schedule would shift a large chunk of their income to a different timeframe, further complicating their income models. Businesses that are already under strain from COVID could scarcely stand further complications.

The Board would better serve parents, students, teachers, and school staffs by focusing more on truly safe and effective ways (especially via virtual learning) to continue schooling for the 2020-2021 school year.

As the parent of a rising-Kindergartner at a single-track Track 4 school, I do not expect 5-year-olds to have any success at social distancing, regular hand-washing, and keeping their hands off their faces – whether there are 20 kids in the class or only 5.

As we all strive to navigate through this unprecedented time, please focus on what matters most – the safety of students, teachers, staff, and all their families. Thank you.

4 Votes
Thankful Mom of 3 about 4 years ago

Many do not “choose” year round, it is our base school and the traditional options are both difficult to receive a transfer to and it would be close to a 45 minute drive to our traditional middle school option. It is more of a financial burden to be year round for our family due to increased childcare costs for trackout camps times 3 children. Ymca costs more for year round trackout camp than for summer camp, not to mention there a way fewer options for affordable trackout camp spots. A traditional calendar would allow families to utilize teenagers to help with childcare during the summer and winter breaks since they would all be out at the same time. If families prefer year round there is a transfer process they can utilize. I can only speak for my experience and can appreciate others’ experiences. We have spent 6 years on a single track calendar and every summer I find my kids miss out on opportunities with church/summer camps/experiences with friends on traditional calendars due to being in school during June and August. I feel like that is not time you can replace in their childhoods. Thank you.

1 Vote
Tamara Santana about 4 years ago

I work at a single track 4 school but have 2 children on track 4 year at a year around school. The transfer window is now over for teachers, and now I will be left with trying to find and pay for coverage for my children when they track out and I don’t. This is unacceptable that they don’t consider teachers and how this affects us. I don’t make enough money as a single mom to cover these camps. I chose to work at a title 1 single track school because I wanted to make a difference and I love what I do. But I can’t stay there for a whole year when my calendar doesn’t align with my 2 children.

7 Votes
Jon Phillips about 4 years ago

There are a lot of really good responses on here so far, a real mess is being created. We need to be able to change schools if this is going to be passed at the last minute. Many people picked a particular school for elementary alignment. We should be given the opportunity to adjust once again to a new law. I know some single-track middle schools are going to see significant enrollment drops if this passes; either next year or this if we are allowed to change.

2 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Enrollment drops are what the state is hoping for....then they can say, 'see, the data shows that parents are pulling their kids out of YR schools & don't prefer those calendars.' Which is not true. The truth is that parents like the YR calendar...and more schools should be single track YR schools vs traditional. But that does not further the agenda of state legislatures to slowly & systematically eliminate YR calendars due of their perceived negative impact it has on the Tourism Indutry in this, if kids are in school during summer months, NC families don't spend as much money at the beach in the summers.

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Kerry Schindler about 4 years ago

Two years ago I spent a ridiculously long time fighting the School Board to allow my daughter to attend her base year round school (which at the time was a multi-track year round). I did this because the YR schedule has always worked best for our family. The school has since become a single track YR and this law now punishes families who had no input on this change. I realize these are unprecedented times and it’s an impossible task to make everyone happy, but it would be disruptive to take the YR schedule away from students who have always followed it. Our kids have already had enough stress and change and the next school year will bring even more changes and challenges. It would help ease some of this stress if you could allow a waiver for just one year to let single track YR schools to remain on their regular schedule.

3 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

I proposed in a comment below for Tr4 only YR schools to follow the T1 schedule on the proposed multitrack YR calendar, Aug 3rd start....for the '20-'21 school year....instead of following a traditional calendar.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Emily. Even starting earlier, there would not be enough days in the school year to comply with the law as currently written.

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Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Hi Matt, if that is the case, then how do Tr4 in a multitrack school have enough days to comply with the law?

0 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Emily. That's because the law as currently written has different stipulations for multi-track and single-track, namely that multi-track doesn't have to adhere to the 45 days on, 15 days off standard that the law applied to single-track schools.

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Anna Plowman about 4 years ago

I agree with a lot of the concerns already voiced on this forum. What I cannot fathom is why the only proposed change to ensure that our children get the required number of days in school is to switch to a traditional calendar? Why is it not possible for our single track schools to follow the same schedule of the multi-track schools? I feel like this new law is being thrown around to force us into the traditional calendar with the WCPSS throwing their hands in the air saying there is nothing we can do? I am tired of repeatedly having to fight to keep our single track school calendars when they are loved by the majority of families whose children are enrolled in them. These "unprecedented times" (so tired of this phrase too!) have resulted in exceptions left, right, and center. So please tell me why an exception cannot be made in this case if it is ONLY for the 2020-2021 year? Our community has been disrupted enough. Maintaining some degree of normalcy will be in the best interest of students, parents/guardians and educators!

5 Votes
Jennifer Stevens about 4 years ago

We are not supportive of this proposal. We chose our YR single track middle school (Durant Middle) solely to keep our children on the same schedule. Our YR multi-track school (Brassfield Elmentary) was beyond accommodating to shift our rising 3rd grader to track 4 to be on the SAME schedule as our rising 6th grader. This shift at the last minute will pose undue hardship on family schedules, vacation plans and childcare options for 2 full-time working parents. In addition, this would require our family to adopt to 2 separate schedules - YR and traditional in a very short period of time. I would strongly request consideration be giving to waiving this state law requirement for the year. A broader and more thorough discussion/forum needs to be held before decisions of this magnitude are proposed. The one year proposal seems preposterous to just switch back to a YR single track option next year. It's not fair to families to be faced with this proposed shift months after families had to choose and decide which middle school we wanted to attend to align with our own family facts and circumstances. My children have been in YR schools since Kindergarten and as a family we have enjoyed the breaks during the year as well as the short break during school years as a benefit to our children's learning and overall development. In addition, given the current pandemic environment we are all facing, the breaks in a YR schedule would allow for much needed deep cleaning on a more frequent basis. I know WCPSS and families are all facing challenges on how to ensure a safe return to schools in the fall, the last thing we need to add to everyone's plates is a last minute state law that forces our students to shift to an entirely new calendar structure. Thank you for your consideration.

4 Votes
Erica Burger about 4 years ago

We are NOT in support at all of this proposal. We have a rising 6th grader and specifically chose Durant Middle to maintain a YR schedule, as we also have a rising 1st grader at Brassfield. We have been through a tremendous change anyways, switching from Track 1 to Track 4, and have made family schedule plans based on the Track 4 YR Calendar schedule as initially proposed by WCPSS (post-covid). We feel that it is unfair, as there are NO other YR school options in our area for our children to attend for Middle School. The single track was a major change, and will be disruptive to our family for child care (both parents work FT), family schedules, and travel/vacation plans. We have been in YR schools since Kindergarten and as a family we believe it's an excellent schedule for our kids, they benefit from breaks and us being able to travel off-season.

I understand Covid changes a lot of things, but there is NO reason this single track YR school cannot follow the YR schedule. I strongly URGE you to consider adjusting the law to reflect Single Track Schools follow Mult-Track School schedules. This last minute change is hard enough as it is, already trying to manage different schools and now totally different schedules. One of my kids will ultimately lose out on school time and be penalized for time off when we have to travel based on pre-arranged schedules *that were justified even post-covid with the new schedule posted on May 19th.

5 Votes
Joshua Reed about 4 years ago

I do not support this proposal. I have a daughter in single track school, and her progress has been amazing. We see zero burnout and zero fatigue throughout the year. We have learned one thing from our remote learning situation, and that is that the track outs are necessary to keep her focused and enthusiastic about learning. As the remote learning has dragged on, it has become harder to keep her focused on the tasks at hand. Year round learning is beneficial more than you know unless you've actually experienced it. We need to keep the year round schedule even if it means shortening a track out or two to get the required classroom hours in.

6 Votes
Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

I agree. It's so beneficial for our children and for our teachers as well!

1 Vote
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

I proposed in a comment below for Tr4 only YR schools to follow the T1 schedule on the proposed multitrack YR calendar, Aug 3rd start....for the '20-'21 school year....instead of following a traditional calendar.

0 Votes
Lesley Loren about 4 years ago

This appears to be nothing more than an attempt to phase out single track schools! We purposely found a home within the footprint for Timber Drive Elementary so that our children could attend. My 9yr old 3rd grader has shown that he thrives on the year round calendar. He needs those breaks throughout the year and works much harder at school after the few weeks off. The benefits of a year round calendar are considerable and should not be dismissed, even for just a year. I can't understand why we aren't able to follow our calendar when the multitracks will be following a similar one. An exception needs to be made. Our children have been through enough difficulties over the last few months, please dont take away the stability of a schedule that they are used to!

4 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

I proposed in a comment below for Tr4 only YR schools to follow the T1 schedule on the proposed multitrack YR calendar, Aug 3rd start....for the '20-'21 school year....instead of following a traditional calendar.

0 Votes
Rachel Blackwood about 4 years ago

Today I emailed both my house and senate legislature representatives. Please do the same! Let your voices be heard!

5 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Good job! We all need to do this. And additionally know & remember the names on the legislation that keeps getting brought up & been pushed through, that is causing this fight year after year. The political agenda that is causing this is awful. And we as citizens of NC have the right to vote, and not vote, for the politicians that are not allowing for calendar flexibility & systematically working to eliminate YR calendars with underhanded legislation.

1 Vote
Testra Driver about 4 years ago

Looking at the calendar, you could still do a 45/15 calendar keeping the same school-wide days off by starting just 4 days earlier on July 28. Was this considered?

3 Votes
Jennifer Sanders about 4 years ago

Being at a year-round school has been a huge benefit for our oldest in and being able to move to a year-round middle school was very important to us. Every teacher I have ever asked can't say enough about the benefits of year-round for all students. If there is a way to maintain multi-track year-round, then single-track can be maintained as well. Year-round is why we continue to live in Wake County.

3 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

I proposed below for Tr4 only YR schools to follow the T1 schedule on the proposed multitrack YR calendar, Aug 3rd start....for the '20-'21 school year....instead of following a traditional calendar.

1 Vote
Laura Pope about 4 years ago

This really does come across as a pretty clear attempt to phase out since track schools. Like many others have said, we applied to this school for multiple reasons, but one of them being the calendar (a big one). I understand that next year is going to look very different, in so many ways due to COVID-19. With so many changes, why this one as well? Yes, I've read the law, I understand what it says, and I've read all the comments here and responses. I am simply making my opinion known. Studies have shown why year round options are ideal for learning for most students, and with so many uncertainties in the air, it seems odd that changing a structure and routine that so many are used to now would seem like a good choice? Please re-consider other options.

3 Votes
Kelly Klein about 4 years ago

I’m not sure if this has been addressed for not. If my YR middle school option (which I chose) is moved to a traditional calendar, then I am forced into a traditional calendar (my base is traditional). A few years ago, wasn’t this deemed illegal? Am I obligated to receive a YR option by state law?

2 Votes
Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Hi Kelly. No, there is not a state law requiring a school district to offer a year-round option. The lawsuit you mention was actually filed by parents who didn't want to be based at a year-round school.

1 Vote
John Maier about 4 years ago

This last minute change is unacceptable. If there is a way to maintain multi-track year-round, then single-track can be maintained as well. Wake County administrators need to do the work to make this happen. They should not spring last minute schedule changes on parents and children.

4 Votes
Keri Bosch about 4 years ago

I have 4 children enrolled in a single track school and to say we are frustrated by this is an understatement. I understand that things are being adjusted and we are all trying to do our best due to Covid -19. I do not envy anyone in authority who is making decisions on how to deal with this and I appreciate the county’s efforts. However, I am very disappointed by the timing of this and even after reading the law (yes I read it), I still don’t understand why this is necessary. This will be the second year in a row that our family’s work and personal schedules will have to be changed because of decisions by the county beyond our control. What about our family’s “choices?” Covid-19 seems like a very poor excuse to push political agendas at the expense our students and their families. Why can’t their be an exception? Why can’t we start earlier than August 17th since we don’t have to account for other tracks? What can’t the county come up with a plan so that our families, students and teachers don’t have to deal with this yet again? Election Day is coming and I am sure I won’t be the only one voting with this situation in mind.

4 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Keri! Agree. See my suggestion below. And yes, come November, we need to remember the names on the bottom of all the bills that our blocking our BOE from creating calendars that offer choice & stability for families.

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Kala Linder about 4 years ago

The multi-track schools all contain tracks 1-4, while single track schools are on track 4. How are the students on track 4 in a multi-track school meeting the requirements set forth by the law, yet the single track 4 schools (who share the same track) are not able to meet the state guidelines? 

5 Votes
Emily Scott about 4 years ago

Hey Tr4 only YR calendar do you feel about proposing that we (Tr4 only YR schools) follow the proposed Tr1 YR schedule that begins Aug 3rd for the '20-'21 school year....versus switching to a traditional calendar for a year.

BOE, what is the feasibility of that happening?

3 Votes
Kristen Knox about 4 years ago

We chose to live in our neighborhood because of the wonderful elementary school and track 4, as opposed to a traditional calendar. A couple years ago when this came up, we strongly opposed changing to a traditional calendar, and we are still strongly opposed.
Nine weeks on and three weeks off is wonderful for elementary-aged children. After nine weeks on, both the kids and staff are ready for a bit of a break, and the shortened summer break is great to keep the kids stimulated, so they don't unlearn anything they learned in the previous grade. My GREATEST concern about this proposal to shift to a traditional calendar for school year 2020-2021, is that it a total ruse and ploy to transition to a traditional calendar permanantly. Furthermore, I need someone to explain to me how the 180 school days can't be achieved by starting on August 3rd and ending on June 30th.

2 Votes
Crystal Wilkinson about 4 years ago

As a parent of three children at Timber Drive Elementary in Garner I am fully against switching their calendar to traditional calendar for the 2020 school year.

1) The email we received stated that the change was due to a new law that passed. I have read the law several times. Nowhere in that law does it state single track schools can’t operate. It states that no school may open before August. Track 4 was originally slated to start 8/3, which is after July. Yes, there may have to be some adjustments to the calendar, but if we start on the original 8/3 date we should be able to easily adjust. Perhaps during the long Dec/January Break that track 4 has.

2) It is a hardship to working families to change the schedule. Having children means planning for school breaks months and months in advance. Due to Covid parents are already scrambling trying to find safe options for their kids. Most Childcare options in the triangle book up 6 months-1 year ahead. Moving to a traditional calendar with such little notice leaves parents scrambling to find care at different times and for an entire summer break. This will be a financial hardship for many families who budget for smaller breaks spread through the school year.

3) Our children’s school schedule have already been disrupted and turned upside down. This proposed change means it will be an entire school year before they are back onto their year round school schedule.

4) We choose the year round schedule because our children have less loss of learning with shorter breaks, they thrive on the routine they are used to and expect. We have flexibility to spend time as a family and vacation on off seasons. We are able to better balance childcare in shorter breaks with our work schedules. Here in Garner there are only Track 4 only schools. Moving them to traditional will mean the families in Garner do not have ANY year round school options.

I hope you will consider what best for families and keep track 4 only schools on track 4.

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Melissa Ziberna about 4 years ago

I am completely against this proposal. We specifically applied to a single-track YR middle school so that our two kids would share the same schedule. With two parents working in our household, we rely on our children being on the same schedule and we have now been left with little to no time to plan for alternatives. We have been on the Track 4 schedule since my oldest was in Kindergarten and she is now going to middle school. We do not have another YR option in our area and we have now lost the ability to apply to other schools that we may have been interested in, but turned down given the fact that we wanted the same schedule for both kids. This not only affects our children's well-being, but we face challenges with transportation and childcare. All of our kids have been through so much with the COVID situation. It is not fair to take away the schedule that most have become accustomed to over many years. We moved to an area where we had good options for YR schools because we felt this was the best fit for our kids and their overall well-being, as well as for our family. I urge you to reconsider this proposal and allow the single track YR schools to proceed as normal. We have all been through so much with the COVID situation. It's not fair to make a major change like this so close to the start of school.

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Crystal Cabral about 4 years ago

Please work with General Assembly to resolve this issue so that single track year round schools can operate on the track 4 calendar. With all the changes these children have been through to take away the schedule they are familiar with would be so harmful. We chose a year round calendar because our boys need more frequent breaks to be their best.

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Jason Puryear about 4 years ago

The year round calendar works best academically for our son. He does better when he gets breaks throughout the year. He is entering middle school this coming year, and we chose the year round option specifically for this reason. Our only year round option was a single track school. He also has a sibling at the multi-track year round elementary school. Having them on unexpectedly different calendars will be very difficult for our family. A one year waiver of this new law would help out a lot of children and their families.

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Heather Goode about 4 years ago

I am completely against this proposal and ask the WCPSS School Board to vote against the calendar change for track 4 schools. We attend Durant Road Elementary School and have rising kindergarten and third-grade students that will attend the school next year. Now more than ever our children need consistency and stability in their lives and uprooting what they know of school beyond what they’ve experienced in the last three months will undoubtedly have adverse impacts on the more than 7,000 children who attend track 4 schools in Wake County. On behalf of the families and children that attend these schools, I ask that you work with our local legislators and government teams to modify the law to provide our children with the consistency they need and keep our track 4 school calendar. Our children’s lives have already been turned upside down and changing schedules will undoubtedly cause further harm. We continue to stay at our base school because of the year-round schedule; it has helped foster a love of learning in our daughter. If we wanted a traditional calendar school, we would have requested a change to our traditional calendar school. But, now that those options are closed, we can’t! The change to a traditional calendar will not only impact my children academically, but it will impact their social and emotional well-being, and cause major undue hardship as we try to find safe and reliable childcare, As a parent, I worry about what challenges we will face during the 2020/2021 school year and how we’ll ensure our children are safe. The school year ahead is full of uncertainty and concern. Give our children the one thing they know and have thrived under – a year-round school calendar! As we all strive to navigate through this unprecedented time, please focus on what matters most – the health and safety of students, teachers, staff, and all their families. We must work with our local officials to change the wording of this law to allow our students to continue learning in the environment they know and trust; and we must urge our general assembly to not discriminate against single track schools. Please, save our track 4 calendar schools!

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Melissa Culbertson about 4 years ago

I also am against this proposed change. I would even be willing to start off as distance learning in July in order for us for our kids to not have such a disruption to next school year. Please reconsider and allow our kids to have a schedule they’re used to.

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STACY ARRA about 4 years ago

We chose a YR school over our traditional base school for many, many reasons. One of the reasons is because of the YR schedule. Will we be forced to move to our traditional calendar base school because of this change? Our school will no longer be our calendar option.
Our kids have been through enough over the last 3 months. Why do we need to disrupt them yet again? They need stability and reassurance now in the face of uncertainty. No one knows what the 20-21 year will be like.

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Chandra Banner about 4 years ago

I am a huge proponent of year-round schools, and I ask that you please consider other options for single-track schools. Of the 10 schools potentially impacted, no fewer than 5 are in the Garner area, providing no year-round options for the town and adjacent area. This is a disservice to the students who benefit from continuous learning (no summer slide) and parents (and staff!) who also benefit from intermittent breaks.
In my experience, a year-round calendar reduces burnout for all involved. I respect that the intent is that this is temporary (only for the 2020-2021 calendar year), but we are experiencing an extreme case in which exceptions should be considered.

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Christy Pruden about 4 years ago

Our family is completely against this possible sudden calendar change and I am highly offended at how it could go down and be played out so quickly during these already scary and challenging times. We chose year round calendar in Garner 7 years ago and I now have a rising 7th grader and 3rd grader who absolutely love their schools and their year round schedule. I personally am a little exhausted at having to fight this the past couple of years! Everyone has stated all of the positives in year round schools that we all have grown to know and love. (Parents, students & staff) I propose that with the new law in place that you change single track year round schools to modified calendars to get around the law that was set up during a pandemic when ALL kids were at home virtually learning! Our kids and parents have been through enough this year. Please don’t make another huge change to their lives. We all know that this will not be a change for just one year!

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Sabrina Sine about 4 years ago

This is all smoke and mirrors. The BOE have been discussing changing the year-round back to traditional calendar for the past few years. They have been giving the exact same reasons the parents back in 2006/2007 used when those parents didn’t want to change from traditional to year-round. Now, the BOE has the coronavirus and subsequent shutdown as the perfect excuse to make these changes. Obviously, it works in their favor to do this experiment with a single track YR school. They will use the data from the 2020/2021 school year to justify pushing for these changes permanently. There are many avenues they could take to not have to make these changes: remote learning (but, let’s do actual RL and not just give busy work, like at my son’s school); extending days by a couple of minutes; cutting some days off of trackout; etc. Why was there a proposed 20/21 calendar sent to families, if that wasn’t the direction the BOE wanted to go?

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Ashley Dadashev about 4 years ago

As a teacher and parent of a Track 4 school, I wish that we did not have to face this change among the many other changes we will have to maneuver. Students and families will have a lot to adjust to and I would hope that we could hold on to some sense of normalcy.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

Link to work session live stream:

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Michelle Bisanz about 4 years ago

This is a terrible idea. The whole reason we chose the school we did was because Track 4 was not only appealing to us but works best with our schedules. We had the opportunity to do traditional and passed on it. I'm not at the point where I will change schools(we have come to love our school so much) however, I see this only as an opportunity for you to phase out single track schools and am not confident that you will return to Track 4 next year as stated. I understand the complications that are put forth are unprecedented and this may include some changes. I believe the initial suggestion of extending the school day and adding remote days should have been sufficient. I understand I am not an administrator and am not well versed in all things YR related BUT I do think you can fight for a better outcome. I don't agree with nor do I support this proposed change. I think you can and should do better. This is not in the best interest of the students or their families.

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Jamie KT about 4 years ago

Chris Heagarty is suggesting in the board work session happening right now, perhaps a little feebly, that the board approaches the legislature to correct the new law as it regards single-track schools. We as parents and staff need to DEMAND that the legislature makes this change. It is completely inequitable to make different requirements for just single-track YR schools. Cathy Moore mentions an "open conversation" with the legislature. Jonathan Blumberg says he thinks there wasn't an intent to target single-track schools, and mentions exploring a waiver possibility.

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Thankful Mom of 3 about 4 years ago

We agree with this plan. Thank you! Our family would prefer the traditional calendar and a later start date. We would love to see our single track elementary and middle school converted to a traditional calendar permanently so this discussion does not continue and we can move forward for years to come without the worry of this debate. We are long time Wake residents who have no plans to move. It would be wonderful to know all 3 kids are on the same schedule for our next 12 years in Wake schools. I understand all viewpoints but sometimes simplicity is better. Thank you WCPSS!

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Kim Alford about 4 years ago

I am totally against the single track 4 calendar change. Making a last minute decision that affects so many families and students is unacceptable at any time and especially in the middle of a global pandemic. If multi-track can remain as is then make that happen for single track, WCPSS. This is irresponsible and frankly makes no sense at all. Do the right thing for our children!

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Amy Graham about 4 years ago

PLEASE change the single track year round schools to a traditional calendar. Or, at the very least, offer a traditional calendar along with another year round track option at those schools. I would specifically like to see North Garner Middle school switched to a traditional calendar. This school is under enrolled and has been a single track for several years. My understanding of utilizing multi track and year round calendars was to get more students into a building. My children are being sent 14 miles away, to Cary, for middle school because we prefer a traditional option. Both of the Garner middle schools are approximately 6 miles from our house, neither of which is an option for us. Bussing has been a logistical nightmare and I do not see it getting any better with the new guidelines that will most likely be put in place. I strongly urge you to consider the change. Or at least consider adding a traditional option to these schools.

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Thankful Mom of 3 about 4 years ago

I agree, we are in favor of the traditional calendar change. We are “stuck” for lack of a better word in the Garner area with no real option for a traditional calendar middle school. So there is no point to go to traditional elementary if you have multiple children because Dillard Drive middle school is too far. Thank you for considering this calendar change.

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Laura Marie Piazza, Wilburn Elementary Pta Vice President about 4 years ago

I’d like to know how parents can help get the legislation to be corrected in a timely matter before the BOE vote on June 16th. What can we do to help support WCPSS solve this oversight that is now a nightmare for us? If this legislation is corrected I suggest that single track 4 schools start on August 3rd like other multi track schools are planned. I really hope that this is considered and addressed by someone. The time missed learning due to the Corona Virus added with the time it took to truly start up remote learning successfully added with the elongated break from June 11th - August 17 is far to long for the effective point of year round schooling. Realistically our students are already behind academically due to this pandemic and there’s no reason I can completely comprehend after listening to multiple BOE meetings online to hold the start day off until August 17th if legislation changes the wording of their oversight in the law they wrote.

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Ashley Reffit about 4 years ago

As a parent of single track 4 children I would like to thank the WCPSS and the BOE for working diligently to solve this dilemma. We have voiced our preference for single track 4 for many years in which you have not only listened, but granted our requests in the past. I realize our current dilemma stems from the new law, it is not the result of any BOE or WCPSS plan. Thank you for keeping the conversation open with the legislators as well as with parents to try to come to a solution that is best for all involved. We are hoping some sort of pardon can be worked out under our extreme circumstances. This calendar change gives very little time for teachers and families to adapt and it brings even more change in the lives of our children at such an unstable time. Thank you for your efforts to find a solution. Please know that we support you and are grateful for your efforts.

I am hopeful parents will share their thoughts in a positive manner realizing we are part of the largest school system in the state as well as one of the largest in the nation. Serving just under 200 schools and around 160,000 students with multiple calendar options is no small task and we thank you for the countless hours you put in to keep our children educated in such uncertain times.

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Minhgyuk kim about 4 years ago
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Minhgyuk kim about 4 years ago
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Noemi Sardina about 4 years ago

As a parent of two kids on a single track 4 school I prefer to keep it like it is as a single track year, Thank you for considering our opinions and letting us invoice what we think is better for our kids.

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Laura Marie Piazza, Wilburn Elementary Pta Vice President about 4 years ago

I contacted my congressman for district 4 David E. Price. Parents can as well by going to this link.

You can also call his office 202.225.1784 or 919.859.5999

Please find out what district you are first before you contact your congressman.

I am waiting a few days before I call to see if he responds. I urge other parents to reach out to their congressman and encourage them to correct this issue.

What we as parents should do is advocate for our children and work together with the BOE to resolve this for our students. If the BOE would be so kind as to give parents a direction as to whom else we should contact or how we can help assist them further on behalf of our 7,000 + single track year round students that information would be greatly appreciated. I thank the BOE for all if their hard work and dedication, especially during these difficult times. I hope we can work together to correct this Legislation mistake before the vote by the BOE is held on June 16th.

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Jamie KT about 4 years ago

Admin @MattDees can you please repond to Laura's request above?

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Laura Marie Piazza, Wilburn Elementary Pta Vice President about 4 years ago

I appreciate the comment Jamie & look forward to a response.

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Matt Dees admin about 4 years ago

We'll be sharing an update in an email later this afternoon, probably after 5.

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Alli Lewis about 4 years ago

Normalcy....that is what we are all craving right now. To make sweeping changes would only create more disruptions to staff members, students and their families who desire their normal routines back.

Taking advantage of the year round calendar has even greater advantages during this pandemic time of uncertainty. 1. Track outs are actually just scheduled quarantine times. This allows for more thorough cleaning to take place and gives staff and students time to quarantine themselves from one another resulting in a safer environment upon school return after track out. I found that my students, personal children, and myself were sick less often following a year round calendar than when I was on a traditional schedule. The traditional model should actually switch to a year round or modified calendar for these reasons alone. Keeping away from others is a recommended way to avoid spread of the virus. In addition, as an educator I’m a better professional, mom, wife, and member of society with scheduled breaks! My child misses the track outs on the traditional calendar with her active schedule. 2. Free and reduced lunch students do not have a long stretch before receiving these services again. 3. Social services are more continuous on a year round or modified calendar resulting in better health care for students and families. 4. Intervention and special education services are more consistent in a year round or modified calendar which only benefits students.

All these points show that a calendar with “quarantined” or scheduled breaks have positive widespread effects on so much of our diverse school population.

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